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Bill Buhay

Bill Buhay Title: Professor
Office: 5L08
Building: Centennial Hall
Email: b.buhay@uwinnipeg.ca


My recent research has primarily focused on using stable isotope applications for water quality assessments and ancient diet reconstructions. Through the use of sulfur and oxygen isotopes I have been able to detect the source of high sulfate concentrations in a southern Manitoba stream. Additionally, my recent carbon and nitrogen isotope work has helped to document the presence of cultigens in Cuba at a much earlier date than originally suggested, revealed younger weaning ages in ancient western Cuban children and aided in detailing animal husbandry practices in ancient Pompeii.

BSc. Geology, McMaster University (1985); MSc. Geology, McMaster University (1987); PhD. Earth Science, University of Waterloo (1994); Post Doctorates: Godwin Laboratory, Cambridge University (1995); Limnological Research Centre, University of Minnesota (1996); Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Geosciences (1997); Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Brandon University (1999); Professor, Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg (2000-present).

Teaching Areas:
Earth Science, Atmospheric Science, Soil Science, Human Impact on the Environment, Natural Hazards, Isotope Geochemistry


Smith, D.G.,Chinique des Armas, Y., Rodriguez Suarez, R., Buhay, W.M., Roksandic, I., Peros, M,C., Roksandic, M. Crossing The Subsistence Divide: The Case of Canimar Abajo and the Contemporaneous Sites in Cuba and the Caribbean. In: (ed. B.R. Reid), The Archaeology of Caribbean and Circum-Caribbean Farmers (5000 BC - AD 1500), in press.

Chinique de Armas, Y., Roksandic, M., Rodríguez Suárez, R., Smith, D.G., Buhay, W.M. Isotopic Evidence of Variations in Subsistence Strategies and Food Consumption Patterns Among “Fisher-Gatherer” Populations of Western Cuba In: (ed. I Roksandic), Cuban Archaeology in the Circum-Caribbean Context, in press.

Roksandic, M., Buhay, W.M., Chinique de Armas, Y., Rodríguez Suárez, R., Peros, M.C., Roksandic, I., Mowat, S., Vieira, L.M., Arredondo, C., Fuentes, A.M., Smith, D.G. (2015). Radiocarbon and stratigraphic chronology of Canímar Abajo, Matanzas, Cuba. (2015). Radiocarbon 57: 28-36.

Chinique de Armas, Y., Buhay, W.M., Rodríguez Suárez, R., Bestel, S., Smith, D.G., Mowat, S., Roksandic, M. (2015). Starch Analysis and Isotopic Evidence of Consumption of Cultigens among Fisher-Gatherers in Cuba: The Archaeological Site of Canímar Abajo, Matanzas. Journal of Archaeological Science 58:121-132.

Chinique de Armas, Y., Buhay, W.M., Rodriguez Suarez, Roksandic, M. (2014). Relacion entre el proceso de ablactacion y la mortalidad infantile mide los individuos subadultos del sitio arqueologico Canimar Abajo, Matanzas, Cuba. Cuba Arqueologica 6(2): 27-36.

Carlson, J.C., Anderson, J.C., Low, J.E., Cardinal., P., Mackenzie, S.D., Beattie, S., Challis, J., Bennett, R.J., Meronek, S.S., Wilks, R.P., Buhay, W.M., Wong, C.S., Hanson, M., (2013).

Presence and hazards of nutrients and emerging organic micropollutants from sewage lagoon discharges into Dead Horse Creek, Manitoba, Canada. Science of the Total Environment 445-446: 64-78.

Buhay, W.M., Chinique de Armas, Y., Rodriguez Suárez, R., Arredondo, C., Smith, D.G., Armstrong, S.D., Roksandic, M., (2012). A preliminary carbon and nitrogen isotopic investigation of bone collagen from skeletal remains recovered from a Pre-Columbian burial site, Matanzas Province, Cuba. Applied Geochemistry 32: 76-84.

Buhay, W.M., Wolfe, B.B., Schwalb, A., (2012). Lakewater paleothermometry from Deep Lake, Minnesota during the deglacial-Holocene transition from combined d18O analysis of authigenic carbonate and aquatic cellulose. Quaternary International 260: 76-82.

Simard, S., Morin, H., Krause C., Buhay, W.M., Treydte, K., (2012). Tree-ring widths and isotopes of artificially defoliated balsam firs: A simulation of spruce budworm outbreaks in Eastern Canada. Environmental and Experimental Botany 81: 44-54.