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Patricia Moodie, UWinnipeg Research Scholar, shedding light on research data

In this book, Applied Regression and ANOVA Using SAS®, published by CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis, interpretations of research results are key. Statistical concepts are presented in words without matrix algebra and calculus. The authors offer their readers practical advice on interpreting results in light of the ongoing controversy concerning threshold p-values. They also consider other current research issues, such as the pros and cons of multiple testing, simultaneous confidence intervals, and model building via automated statistical procedures.

For those interested in data analytics, the authors provide SAS® (Statistical Analysis System) programs at the end of each chapter. Numerous examples are given which produce impressive camera-ready graphics requiring minimum programming effort. Familiarity with SAS®, however, is not assumed as programming details are provided to the readers on a need-to-know basis.

For further information, including a downloadable pdf preview of the first chapter of this book, see
