Barry Anderson
Teacher, Organist, and Choirmaster

Barry Anderson, photo by Jason Halstead.
Barry Anderson — beloved teacher, organist, and choirmaster — has been an important part of the music community in Winnipeg for over 50 years.
After graduating from United College (now the University of Winnipeg) in 1960, Anderson pursued a career in teaching music and spent the majority of his career at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute.
Anderson also faithfully served the community of Knox United Church as their organist for 46 years, retiring just recently in 2012.
He can also be heard playing with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir, and as students walk down the aisle to receive their diplomas at The University of Winnipeg’s annual convocation services.
Throughout his life, Anderson has used his talents to better the lives of those surrounding him. Today he can be found leading both the Daniel McIntrye Alumni choir and the Winnipeg Police Service choir in his retirement and playing at the bi-annual convocation services at UWinnipeg.
Through mentorship, service, and leadership Anderson has enabled others to explore and develop their musical abilities.
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