Dr. Stephen Borys
Alumnus, Art Advocate, Curator, Faculty Member

Dr. Stephen Borys, photo supplied
Dr. Stephen Borys is a visionary leader who has contributed to the arts, cultural, and museum landscape in Canada and abroad. By advancing a meaningful dialogue with the public, in both physical galleries and virtual spaces, Bory has created welcoming forums where art and art-making is at the forefront with audiences.
Currently, he is the director and CEO of the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG), Canada’s oldest civic art gallery and one of the country’s largest galleries.
Under Borys’ leadership, the WAG has expanded and strengthened its role and profile in the community. He has enabled significant growth in the gallery’s overall operations, permanent collections, international exhibitions, partnership programs, capital and endowment development, and member and visitor engagement.
Borys has organized numerous exhibitions, written accompanying catalogues and scholarly articles, and lectured across North America. He also contributes regularly to the museum and academic field through annual meetings, consulting and volunteer work.
Borys has been recognized for his impact on the arts world as recipient of several research and exhibition grants from the Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, Canadian Museums Association, Winnipeg Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
Prior to arriving at the WAG, Borys served as the chief curator at The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, while he taught as adjunct at Florida State University and New College; a senior curator and lecturer at the Allen Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio; a curator in European and American Art at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa; and a curatorial assistant at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal.
In addition to his directorial duties, Borys holds an adjunct professorship at The University of Winnipeg, where he teaches a graduate seminar in the Cultural Studies department.
He holds an Executive MBA, a PhD in Art and Architectural History from McGill University, a MA in Art History from the University of Toronto, and a BA (Hons) from UWinnipeg.Next > < Previous