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Peggy L. Day

Peggy L. Day BA, MA, MTS, PhD

Dr. Peggy L. Day has diligently served The University of Winnipeg for over three decades, as a scholar, teacher, and administrator. She is renowned for her brilliance and thoughtful engagements in her field of study and for her administrative acumen.

She completed her PhD in Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilization at Harvard University in 1986, and was one of the first scholars to engage in feminist historical study of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, in what remains a heavily male-dominated field.

She went on to make an impressive contribution with her academic productivity and numerous publications, while teaching in her primary field of expertise, the Hebrew Bible.

Her most recent research examines primary and secondary material on the internees of the World War II Japanese POW and internment camp at Batu Lintang, in present-day Malaysian Borneo.

As a teacher, Dr. Day has made an ineradicable impression upon generations of students, including several who went on to do graduate work as a result of her mentoring. Dr. Day was also equally dedicated to mentoring and supporting junior academics in the department.

As Chair of the Department of Religion and Culture for over 15 years, she was an ardent champion for the department who led changing the shape of the curriculum, and made significant contributions to university governance.

The University of Winnipeg honours Dr. Peggy L. Day with the title of Professor Emerita for her continued intellectual and scholarly engagement, which has earned admiration and collegial respect.