John Dobson
Boasting a large collection of books and a wide variety of resources, The University of Winnipeg Library can be a daunting place for students embarking on a research journey. The saving grace for many students is the expert mentorship of longtime staff member John Dobson.
Over the course of 34 years, Dobson has worked in nearly every department of the library — making him an indispensable source of knowledge for students, colleagues, and faculty alike. His passion for helping others is exemplified by his kind demeanor and thoughtful approach to every query, no matter how complex.
As the library’s Scholarly Communications and Web Design Specialist, Dobson’s behind-the-scenes responsibilities keep the department running smoothly, and his technical support maintains essential library services for everyone in the University community.
From lending his layout and online journal management savvy to UWinnipeg’s new academic student journal Crossings, to giving an expert edit to a faculty member’s publication, Dobson’s multifaceted skills are apparent in the many projects he’s been involved with during his tenure.
Dobson is a UWinnipeg alumnus, having graduated with bachelor’s degrees in theatre, English, and history (Hons). He has strong academic interests in Eastern European genealogy, Dutch translation, and mathematics — a discipline in which he publishes. Dobson’s innate love of education and his appetite for information enhance his ability to help students from every faculty.
Dobson’s expertise and quiet contributions have made a significant impact on the academic success of countless students — and on UWinnipeg’s reputation as a centre for research excellence.
For his continued dedication to the institution, UWinnipeg is proud to award John Dobson with the 2017 Stars of Spence Street Prize.