Awards Night of Excellence 2020
Each year, we honour our exceptional students and generous donors at a special evening that we call 'Awards Night of Excellence.' Unfortunately, the event we'd planned for March 17, 2020 had to be cancelled due to public health considerations arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Even in these uncertain times, it’s important that we continue to celebrate the wonderful traditions established here at The University of Winnipeg. We all wish we could have marked this occasion in person at Riddell Hall. In lieu of that, we have brought our 2020 Awards Night of Excellence online. Thank you for helping us recognize our honourees.
Awards by Faculty
Dr. Annette Trimbee
President & Vice-Chancellor
The University of Winnipeg
I want to send a warm welcome to our students, your families and friends, faculty members, staff, and donors.
I want to congratulate each and every student recognized by our faculties for your exceptional accomplishments and acknowledge the significant amount of effort that goes into your studies. UWinnipeg has a rich history of growing leaders and we know you are poised to go on and make an impact in your chosen field.
It’s also important to acknowledge the people who have helped you achieve excellence.
It starts with your friends and family, many of whom make their own sacrifices to help you reach your dreams. Then there’s the support of our tremendous faculty members and staff, who are dedicated to providing a quality educational experience and opportunities to enrich your studies.
And, of course, the awards and scholarships that supported you were provided by our donors, like Dr. John Krahn, who made generous gifts because they believe that your education is an important investment in our future.
Again, congratulations to all of our award recipients. As you make your way through our webpage, please be sure to sign our virtual guestbook.
John Krahn, BSc '68
Longtime Donor
During the past 40 years, Dr. John Krahn and his family have been staunch supporters of The University of Winnipeg.
Dr. Krahn’s ties to UWinnipeg date back to the 1960s when he received a Bachelor of Science in chemistry and physics in 1968. After obtaining his PhD from the University of Manitoba and then his postdoctoral degree at the University of Alberta in 1975, Dr. Krahn went on to work as a clinical biochemist at the St. Boniface Hospital for nearly 25 years.
“Although I had always loved school and science, my passions grew exponentially at The University of Winnipeg, largely due to my excellent science professors,” he said. “Dr. Fred Barth, in particular, encouraged me to go to graduate school.”
In 2006, UWinnipeg recognized Dr. Krahn with the Distinguished Alumni Award, adding to a long list of honours that already included the award for Outstanding Contribution to Clinical Chemistry from the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists and Outstanding Service to Clinical Chemistry from the Alberta Society of Clinical Chemistry. He also currently serves on UWinnipeg’s Alumni Association Council.
Now Dr. Krahn is giving back to the university that first spurred his passion for science by funding the John Krahn Award. This new scholarship will support the next generation of science students studying chemistry or natural sciences as they pursue their dreams.
“Giving back is an expression of my gratitude for all the help I received throughout my education and career.”
The first John Krahn Award will be presented in Fall 2021.
+ List of Funds - Click to expand
Awards Night celebrates scholarships valued at $1,000 and above
The Coppinger Family Award
Freemasons of Manitoba Award in Human Rights
The Robert Lothian Human Resource Award
The Jennifer Moore Rattray Award
Winnifred Gamble Bursary
The Patrick Deane Provost Prize
The David R. Dyck Prize in History
Duckworth Prize
The John Roberts Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
Victor Y. Shimizu Kant Prize
Joyce Aitken Scholarship in Education
Chuck Badcock Scholarship in Athletic Therapy
Jeff Babb Scholarship in Statistics
John and Jane Bosace Memorial Award
Great-West Life Business Student Scholarship and Work Placement Program
Chancellor W. John A. Bulman Scholarship
Jan and Fred Butler Scholarship
Alice Chambers Forest Enhancement Scholarship
Maria Graciete and Jose Correia Family Scholarship
Harry S. Crowe Scholarship Fund
The Tire Stewardship Manitoba - Moe Tresoor Scholarship in Environmental Studies and Sciences
Sam Diamond Athletic Therapy Scholarship
Katherine Jane Duckworth Memorial Scholarship
Edmond & Dorothy Dyck Scholarship in Education
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Scholarship
Enterprise Scholarship in Business and Economics
Fred Douglas Place Residents' Tribute Scholarship
Frostiak and Leslie Scholarship Fund-70291
German-Canadian Business & Professional Association Scholarship
Kyocera Applied Computer Science Scholarship
Roger & Kathleen Graham Scholarship
George A. Grierson Memorial Scholarship
The Grant Thornton LLP Scholarship in Accounting and Auditing
Hanna Family Scholarship
Bethia Henry Memorial Scholarships in Theatre and Drama
Bethia Henry Memorial Scholarship in Sociology
Roderick O.A. Hunter Memorial Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Roderick Hunter Scholarship
Isbister Undergraduate Scholarship
Ross A. Johnston Scholarship in Math or Statistics
Ralph E. King Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Randy Kobes Memorial Scholarship
Condren Rex Keating Scholarship in Criminal Justice
Norman Kehler Spanish Studies Scholarship
Wilhelm Kristjanson Memorial Scholarship
Walter E. Kroeker Memorial Scholarship in 18th Century Literature
Garnet Kyle Scholarship
Walter W. Leatherdale Scholarships
Judge Walter J. Lindal Memorial Scholarship
Jo Lindal Memorial Scholarship
Edith Lindsay Memorial Scholarship
Jack Little Memorial Scholarship
Lions Housing Centres 25th Anniversary Scholarship
Alberta Shearer Loeb Memorial Scholarship
Gord Mackie Scholarship in Athletic Therapy
Manitoba Brain Injury Association Athletic Therapy Scholarship
Meadwell Scholarship in French
Thomas MacLean Miller Memorial Scholarship in Religious Studies
William "Billy" Murphy Scholarship in Theatre
Margaret E. Nix & Slade C. Nix Entrance Scholarship
James G. Oborne Scholarship
Grace O'Farrell Scholarship
Elliott-Harvey Scholarship in Education
Ingrid & Klaus Philipp Scholarship in Chemistry
Klaus & Ingrid Philipp Scholarship in Biochemistry
Robert P. Purves Memorial Scholarship
Carl J. Ridd Scholarship in the Humanities
H. Sanford Riley Schol. in Environmental Economics
Cecil Essadelle Rombough Memorial Entrance Scholarship
Rutherford-Altnow Scholarship in History
The H. V. Rutherford Scholarship
Allan J. Ryckman Memorial Scholarship
Sandra & Harvey Secter Scholarship
Rev. John H. and Mrs. Myrtle (Webster) Shemilt Scholarship
Dr. Lloyd Siemens Memorial Scholarship in English
Alexander & Catharine Smith Memorial Scholarship
E. Phyllis Smith Memorial Scholarship in English Literature
Sir William Stephenson Scholarship
Walter E. Swayze Scholarship in English
Mary Talbot Memorial Scholarship in Education
Dr. Paul H.T. Thorlakson Scholarship in Canadian History
University of Winnipeg Women's Auxiliary Endowment Scholarship
United College Class '50 Scholarship
University of Winnipeg Retirees Association Scholarship
Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Scholarship
L. Olive Willison Entrance Scholarship Fund
Wolinsky Memorial Scholarship in Social Science
Robert & Kathryn Young Scholarship in European History
Pinnacle Staffing Opportunity Scholarship
Winnipeg Police Service Opportunity Scholarship In Memory of Injured and Fallen Officers
Westland Foundation Scholarship
Alumni Entrance Scholarship Fund
Alumni Family Achievement Scholarship
Alumni Family Entrance Scholarship
Global College Leadership Scholarship
Brian J. Hyslop Scholarship Physics Fund
Victor Batzel Scholarship in the Humanities
Dr. Royden and Dr. Angela E. Davis Memorial Scholarship
Larry A. Didow Scholarship for Students with Learning Disabilities
Larry A. Didow Scholarship for Students with Physical Disabilities
Angela Mattiacci Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Linguistics
Robert Bruce Fund
CPA of Manitoba Foundation Inc. Indigenous Business Scholarship and CPA of Manitoba Foundation Inc
John K. Macdonald Memorial Fund Award in Education
Manitoba Forestry Association - Dr. Alan B. Beaven Forestry Scholarship
Merlene Scholarship Fund
The Donald Kerr Scholarship in Honours Physics
Senator Thomas Alexander Crerar Scholarship
Linda Brown & Vana Kirby Graduate Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. ONG Hoo Hong Emerging Writers Prize
Research Manitoba Graduate Scholarship
Tomlinson Memorial Scholarship Senior 3 and 4
Friesen and Wendl Corrections Memorial Scholarship
The Philipp Scholarship
Ross A. Johnston Indigenous Student Award
Vivian Doris Glass Memorial Scholarship
Disability Studies Scholarship
The University of Winnipeg Golden Key Chapter In-Course Scholarship
Environmental Awareness and Impact Scholarship
Share your congratulations through our virtual guestbook!