Dr. Jane Barter
Title: Professor, Religion and Culture
Phone: 204.789.1453
Office: 4M34
Email: j.barter@uwinnipeg.ca
Jane Barter was born in Germany and spent most of her childhood and youth in Nova Scotia, where she earned an Arts degree in English and a Master’s degree in Theology. She completed her PhD in Theology at the University of Saint Michael’s College, University of Toronto, in 2004.
Teaching Areas:
Barter’s research on secularism concerns itself with the Christian origins of the concept of secularism. She also critically examines the manner in which secularism becomes a disciplinary power within modern Neoliberal states which not only marginalizes religion, but remakes religion in its own image. She is rather convinced by Walter Benjamin’s claim that capitalism is a religion, and thus reads secularism as far from innocent of religious power. Barter’s current research on secularism includes several conference papers aimed at examining secularism as a form of religious power through an appreciative reading of Giorgio Agamben. These recent papers include “The Church’s ‘Currency of the Last Day’: Toward a Profane Ecclesiology,” and “Beyond ‘Glory’: Secularism in Agamben and the Promise of Profanation.” In recent years, and as a result of having the privilege of living in Winnipeg during a moment of tremendous and inspiring Indigenous renewal, Barter has also become interested in examining the manner in which such renewal challenges staid dichotomies between public and private, religious and secular. Thus recent work has examined the manner in which the testimonies of Indigenous Canadians (such as family members of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women or survivors of the Residential Schools) have entered into Canadian public discourse and consciousness. Such research has given rise to a book chapter, “Beyond Bare Life: Narrations of Singularity of Manitoba’s Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women” and a conference paper, “Confession and Neoliberalism: Reading Foucault in Harper’s Canada.”
Peer-reviewed books
Barter Moulaison, Jane. Thinking Christ: Christology and Contemporary Critics. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012.
Barter Moulaison, Jane. Lord, Giver of Life. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007.
Peer-reviewed book chapters
Barter, Jane. “Beyond Bare Life: Narrations of Singularity of Manitoba’s Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women. In Bios: Feminist Philosophies of Life. Eds. Chloë Taylor and Hasana Sharp. Montreal: McGill Queen’s Press, forthcoming. (In press).
Barter Moulaison, Jane. “He Who Brings Light to Dark Places: Christ and the Redemp- tion of Memory.” In The Church Made Strange for the Nations: Essays in Honour of Harry Huebner. Princeton: Pickwick Publishing, 2011.
_______. “Lord of Two Cities: Political or Christological Realism in Augustine’s City of God?” In From Logos to Christos: Essays in Honour of Joanne McWilliam. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010.
__________. “Bodies without Borders: Desire and Abjection in Recent Theologies of Sexuality.” In Human Sexuality and the Nuptial Mystery. Ed. Roy Jeal. Eu- gene: Wipf and Stock, 2010.
Peer-reviewed edited works
Hamilton, Kenneth. The Doctrine of Humanity in Reinhold Niebuhr. Ed. Jane Barter Moulaison. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013.

Barter Moulaison, Jane, ed. The Future of Theological Education in Canada. A special edition of the Toronto Journal of Theology, Supplement 1 (2009).
Journal articles (asterisk connotes peer review)
* Barter, Jane. “The Language of Lament and Love: On Women’s Discourse and Hidden Capital.” The Journal of the Mothering Initiative, 3.2 (2013): 33-48.
* Barter Moulaison. Review Essay: Baptized in the Spirit: A Global Pentecostal Theology by Frank Macchia. Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity 1 (2010): 151 -157.
*_________.“Is There a Future for Theological Education in Canada?” Toronto Journal of Theology, Supplement 1 (2009): 9 -17.
*_________. “Missteps on The Way to Nicaea: A Critical Reading of Lonergan’s Theory of the Development of Nicene Doctrine.” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses. 38/1 (2009): 51-69.
Conference papers and panels
* Paper: “The Time of Opening: Sabbath Rest as a Form of Life in Basil of Caesarea and Giorgio Agamben. Association for the Continental Philosophy of Religion. Liverpool Hope University. Liverpool, U.K., 2013. (UW)
* Paper. “Beyond Bare Life: Narrations of Singularity by Families of Manitoba’s Missing and
Murdered Aboriginal Women.” PhiloSophia Society Conference. Banff, AB. 2013.
*Paper: “To Judge the Quick and the Dead: Augustine and the Redemption of Memory.” Canadian Society for Patristic Studies Annual Meeting. University of New Brunswick. Fredericton, N.B. 2011.
* Paper: “Lord of Two Cities: Christological or Political Realism in Augustine’s City of God?” Canadian Theological Society Annual Meeting. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, 2009.