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Masking on campus is highly recommended but not mandatory. For students, faculty, staff, and visitors who are more comfortable wearing masks, they are available at specific locations throughout campus. We ask our community to exhibit compassion with respect to an individual’s choice regarding masking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are masks required on campus?

Masking is highly recommended but not mandatory. The UWinnipeg Safety Office, located in room 0GM05 in Graham Hall, has masks available for non-symptomatic students, faculty, staff, and visitors. We ask our community to exhibit compassion with respect to an individual’s choice regarding masking.

What should I do if I think I've been exposed to, or have symptoms of, COVID-19?

Please follow public health advice on when and how to self-isolate to stop COVID-19 from spreading. If you are a student, don't forget to report absences to your professors and Accessibility Services at accessibility@uwinnipeg.ca or 204.786.9771.

What is being done to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus?

The safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our top priority, and UWinnipeg continues to follow the advice of the Public Health Agency of Canada and Manitoba Health. The University has also made a number of changes to our campus operations to help safeguard our community.

  • The University has made additional cleaning supplies available to students, faculty, and staff, including hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and masks.
  • Enhancements have been made to campus HVAC systems. Upgrades have been made with the guidance of Public Health and entities such as ASHRAE to ensure compliance with the most recent COVID-19 regulations.
  • Cleaning has been enhanced on campus to align with Public Health recommendations, including regular disinfection of high touch points and frequent cleaning of highly used spaces such as washrooms. See the Facilities website for more information.
  • Sanitation stations have been established on campus and extra sanitization wipes have been distributed to high traffic areas. If you require wipes in your area, contact UWinnipeg’s Safety Office at 204.786.9894.

When preventative hygiene measures are diligently practiced, they are an effective means for minimizing the spread of COVID-19.

What can individuals do to prevent COVID-19 from spreading?

Wear a well-fitted mask and get vaccinated. If you have not already made an appointment to be vaccinated, we strongly encourage you to do so.

Common prevention measures include: regular hand washing with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleanser; covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing; and avoiding contact with anyone showing symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing.

It is important to wash your hands before you put your mask on, as well as:

  • after coughing or sneezing;
  • when caring for a sick person;
  • before, during, and after food preparation;
  • before eating;
  • after toilet use; and
  • when hands are visibly dirty.

For further information on how to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, review the FAQs provided by Manitoba Public Health and protective measures and myth busters provided by the World Health Organization.

More information for students

What are the safety protocols in residence?

Campus Living is providing extra cleaning and sanitization of high traffic areas and high touch points within residence. Sanitization wipes are provided in communal areas for all students, to encourage in-between cleanings.

Our office continues to limit foot traffic in the office by encouraging online payments and collaborates with facilities staff and the UWinnipeg HVAC team to ensure proper ventilation.

In our residence buildings, we use MERV-13 (or highest achievable) filters, which are changed regularly in all residence spaces to ensure air cleanliness.

What mental health supports are available for students struggling with COVID-19 anxiety?

You can receive support from UW Student Counselling Services by contacting them at 204-988-7611 or studentwellness@uwinnipeg.ca.

More information for faculty and staff

What if a staff member has mild cold-like symptoms? Will they be able to work from home while not feeling well (if they're not too sick to work)?

Self-screening is available through an online tool on the Manitoba Shared Health website. If an employee feels ill or has any cold or flu symptoms, the employee should not come to campus and can use available sick leave to cover their absence. However, if an employee feels they are able to work, and are set-up to work remotely, then in consultation with their unit manager, they may have the option of working from home.

What is the procedure if an employee becomes sick at work?

If a staff member or instructor becomes sick, follow this set of procedures, which was created for the University of Winnipeg in accordance with the Manitoba Public Health guidance for post-secondary institutions.

COVID-19 Symptoms FAQ