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2022 Award Winners

Moira Bell Memorial Scholarship Allanah Entrada
Lucy H. Bertschinger Memorial Prize Charlie Topnik
Hattie Amelia Edwards Scholarship in English Kevin Strang
R.N. Hallstead Memorial Shakespeare Prize Sophie Moulaisson and Lyn Dalit
Perry Nodelman Scholarship in Children's Literature Autumn Yee
Peter Pauls Scholarship in English Ava Stoke
Elsa Redekopp Memorial Scholarship Sean Pacheco
Patricia Ruth Rogers Scholarship in English Alyssa Penner
Celia & Philip Samuel Rogers Memorial Scholarship in English Karissa Posthumus
Dr. Lloyd Siemens Memorial Scholarship in English Sophie Moulaison
Walter E. Swayze Scholarship in English Lyn Rohan Dalit
Robena (Robbie) Sykes Memorial Scholarship in Canadian Literature Kaitlynn Couto
Gabrielle Taubner Van De Pape Scholarship in English Grace Madden
Kay Unruh Des Roches Memorial Scholarship Samantha Sawatzki
Writers’ Circle Prize for Original English Fiction, Drama, Poetry Lindsey Taylor
Clem Wyke Prize in English Edward Weins
Mr. and Mrs. Ong Hoo Hong Emerging Writers Prize Lindsey Taylor
Poetry Studies Scholarship Abigail Friesen
Walter E. Kroeker Memorial Scholarship in Eighteenth-Century Literature Emma Joyal
Mr. and Mrs Ong Hoo Hong Award for Creative Writing Isabel Zimrose Osborne
The Judith F. Gainsbury Memorial Scholarship in Creative Writing Samantha Sawatzki
English Department Mentorship Scholarship Ashwinder Saran
Andris Taskans Memorial Award for Creative Writing Mackenzie Elizabeth Martens
E. Phyllis Smith Memorial Scholarship in English  Cassidy Sobering