Di Brandt & poetry panel
Fri. Mar. 18 02:30 PM
- Fri. Mar. 18 04:00 PM
Contact: c.hunter@uwinnipeg.ca
Location: 1L04
Recently Turnstone Press reprinted Di Brandt’s 1987 poetry collection in a new edition with an introduction by critic and poet Tanis MacDonald. Plans for a UW event to mark this occasion are now well underway. Interested people can now mark their calendars and save the date: Friday March 18 from 2:30-4:00 in Room 1L04 at the UW. Di will read for about 30 minutes, followed by a panel that will include scholars and poets, which will then be followed by discussion open to the audience. I will announce the names of all the panel members once everyone is confirmed. See you there!