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Celiese Lypka

Celiese  Lypka Title: Assistant Professor
Building: Ashdown
Email: c.lypka@uwinnipeg.ca


Celiese Lypka (she/her) is Métis and an Assistant Professor in the department of English at the University of Winnipeg (Treaty 1), teaching women’s writing and Indigenous literatures. Her research explores storytelling and resurgence in Métis literature, as well as the anxious structures associated with gender and race in twentieth- and twenty-first-century women’s writing. Celiese is currently working on a co-edited collection of essays (with Dr. Aubrey Hanson, University of Calgary) on Métis literature by Métis scholars. She recently served as an Executive member of the Indigenous Literary Studies Association (ILSA).

Teaching Areas:

women’s writing; Indigenous literatures; feminist theory; affect theory


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Edited book

With Jeanne Dubino, Paulina Pająk, Catherine Hollis, and Vara Neverow. The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and Contemporary Global Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

Refereed articles

“‘No it was a girl. A woman’: A Study of Indigenous Resilience and Girlhood in Katherena Vermette’s The Break.” Women’s Studies vol 52, no. 5. Forthcoming.

“‘I look Straight into His Eyes . . . For the Last Time’: Rereading Intimacy and Indifference in Jean Rhys’s Good Morning, Midnight.” Journal of Modern Literature vol. 46, no. 4. Forthcoming.

“Métis Survivance: Land, Love, and Futures in Cherie Dimaline’s Dystopian Novels.” Special issue of American Studies vol. 60, no. 3, 2021, pp. 28–47.

With David Sigler. “Time/frame: Rewriting the Mirror Stage in Lacan’s Anxiety Seminar.” English Studies in Canada vol. 45, no. 4, 2021, pp. 1–21.

“Making a World of Her Own: Affect and Womanhood in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway.” The CEA Critic vol. 83, no. 1, 2021, pp. 51–68.

With David Sigler. “Sense and Incompossibility: The Baroque Jane Austen and Deleuze’s The Fold.” Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge vol. 33, 2017, 33 para.

“Modern Machines: Intersecting Public and Private Spheres in Mrs Dalloway.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany vol. 88, 2016, pp. 16–18.

Refereed book chapters

“A Schizoanalytic Walk with Desire: Reading the Body without Organs in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man.” In Handbook to Literature and Psychoanalysis. Edited by Jeremy Tambling, Bloomsbury, 2023, pp. 85–98.

“Affective Alliances: A Feminist Schizoanalysis of Feminine Anxiety, Dis/Orientation, and Affect Aliens.” In Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Feminism. Edited by Cheri Carr and Janae Sholtz, Bloomsbury, 2019, pp. 213–25.

Edited special issue

Editor, with written introduction. “Virginia Woolf: Mobilizing Emotion, Feeling, and Affect.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany vol. 97, 2021.


Storykeepers, Guest Host, Season 2, Episode 3, 2022, Cherie Dimaline’s Empire of Wild. https://storykeeperspodcast.ca/index.php/episodes/