Kirsty Cameron
Title: Instructor
Kirsty Cameron is a creative writer and a SSHRC Doctoral Fellow, completing a PhD in English at the University of Manitoba. Kirsty’s research interests include Southern American Gothic and 20th Century American Literature; Revolutionary Queer Literatures & Theory; Feminist History in Literature; Body Studies, especially related to madness/trauma/and narrative identity; Canadian & Indigenous Literatures related to Reconciliation; and Film Studies. Kirsty has published criticism on Tennessee Williams, exploring a unique aspect of Williams’s Romanticism considering the potentially healing affect of artistic expression. Creative publications include non-fiction and fiction with Prairie Fire literary magazine, and she has presented dramatic works with the Manitoba Association of Playwrites, and Sarasvati Productions. Kirsty was a guest speaker on a recent podcast with George Toles, commenting on Alfred Hitchcock’s films, Rebecca and Suspicion.
Teaching Areas:
Creative Writing; Creative Writing Poetry; American/Canadian/Indigenous Literature; Southern American Gothic Literature; Queer & Feminist Literatures; Academic Writing/Composition; Workshop facilitation – creative writing & writing for film.
-“Romantically Speaking to Save the Suicidal Self in Tennessee Williams and Mary Shelley.” Studies in the Literary Imagination 51:1, Spring 2018, pub. 2020, Eds. Michelle Faubert & Leigh Wetherall Dickson, Georgia State UP, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. Print. Literary criticism
-“4-3-2-1-Action!” Teaching Life Magazine, Spring 2017, University of Manitoba, Print. Non-fiction/journalism
-“Sewing Factory, Circa 1880-1980,” Prairie Fire 36:4, Winter 2016, 93-97. Print. Fiction
-“River Stitched,” Prairie Fire 31:2, Fall 2010, 69-74. Print. Creative non-fiction