Andrew Frey
Associate Professor

- Space Science
- Subatomic Physics
Areas of Expertise:
- Cosmology
- String Theory
- Theoretical Particle (Subatomic) Physics
Languages Spoken:
- English
Available To:
- Appear on radio or TV
- Appear as a public speaker
- Provide comment to media
- Write articles
- Discuss research with industry, government, and others
Dr. Andrew Frey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at The University of Winnipeg. He received his BSc from Wake Forest University in North Carolina and his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His work has been funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) since 2012 and he is the only PhD string theorist in Manitoba.
Frey's main research interest is in the intersection of cosmology (the history and composition of the universe) with high energy physics (particle physics and string theory). His research answers questions about dark energy, dark matter, inflation, and the Big Bang.
Media and Research Expert