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Jino Distasio

Jino Distasio Title: Professor
Phone: 204.982.1147
Building: Lockhart Hall
Email: j.distasio@uwinnipeg.ca

Teaching Areas:

Urban Geography
Cultural Geography
Social Geography


GEOG-3413(3) Urban Revitalization
GEOG-3430(3) Housing and Neighbourhood Planning

Research Interests:

Housing and neighbourhood development.
City planning (land use, zoning and development processes).
Urban revitalization
Homelessness and mental health
Urban transportation


Distasio, J.; Mesich, M.; Hatch, J.; & Quanbury, D. (2022). Winnipeg’s Pandemic Response: Supporting Persons at Risk or Experiencing Homelessness. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, The University of Winnipeg.

Manoni-Millar, S., Distasio, J., Latimer, E., Somers, J., Stergiopoulos, V., Kerman, N., ... & Aubry, T. (2022). Examining Risk Factors and Protective Resources as Predictors of Recovery Among Youth with Mental Illness and Lived Experience of Homelessness. Youth & Society.

Distasio, J., Adair, C. E., Hwang, S., Hinds, A., Kopp, B. C., Aubry, T., … Kaufman, A. F. (2021). Exploring the relationship between neighbourhood quality (NQ) and housing stability among formerly homeless individuals with mental illness in housing first. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 2, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wss.2020.100008

McCallum, R., Distasio, J., Chateau, D., Sareen, J., Medved, M. I., & Hiebert-Murphy, D. (2021). Longitudinal Mixed Modelling of Emergency Department Use Among a Sample of Homeless Participants in a Housing First Demonstration Trial. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 32(4), 1829-1843.

Distasio, J., Snyder, M., & Ladd, A. (2020). A social enterprise model of housing first: lessons from Canada’s At Home Chez Soi homelessness project. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/10530789.2020.1714129 

Distasio, J; Maunder, M; Zell, S & Quanbury, D. (2020) Divided Prairie Neighbourhood: West Broadway’s Story of Hope, Challenge and Resiliency. Neighbourhood Change SSHRC.  

Distasio, J., Zell, S., McCullough, S., Edel, B. (2019). Localized Approaches to Ending Homelessness: Indigenizing Housing First. Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies.

Worton, S. K., J. Hasford, E. Macnaughton, G. Nelson, T. MacLeod, S. Tsemberis, V. Stergiopoulos, P. Goering, T. Aubry, J. Distasio, and T. Richter. 2017. Understanding systems change in early implementation of Housing First in Canadian communities: An examination of facilitators/barriers, training/technical assistance, and points of leverage. American Journal of Community Psychology. doi:10.1002/ajcp.12219.

Aquin J, L. Roos J. Distasio, L. Y. Katz, J. Bourque, J. M. Bolton, S. Bolton, J. Y. Wong, D. Chateau, J. M. Somers, M. W. Enns, S. W. Hwang, J. C. Frankish, J. Sareen. 2017. Effect of Housing First on suicidal behaviour: A randomised controlled trial of homeless adults with mental disorders. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 62(7): 473–481.

O’Campo, P.; S. W. Hwang, A. Gozdzik, A. Schuler, V. Kaufman-Shriqui, D. Poremski, L. I. P. Lazgare, J. Distasio, S. Belbraouet, S. Addorisio. 2017. Food security among individuals experiencing homelessness and mental illness in the At Home/Chez Soi Trial. Public Health Nutrition 1(11).

Hinds, A., B. Bechtel, J. Distasio, L. L. Roos, and L. Lix. 2017. Predicting who applies to Public Housing using Linked Administrative Data. International Journal for Population Data Science 1(1).

Adair, C. E., B. Kopp, J. Distasio, S. W. Hwang, J. Lavoie, S. Veldhuizen, ... and S. Cote, S. 2016. Housing quality in a randomized controlled trial of housing first for homeless individuals with mental illness: Correlates and associations with outcomes. Journal of Urban Health 93(4): 682–697.

Hinds, A,M.; B. Bechtel, J. Distasio, L. Roos, L. M. Lix. 2016. Health and social predictors of applications to public housing: A population-based analysis. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health: doi:10.1136/jech-2015-206845.

Reynolds, K. A., C. A. Isaak, T. DeBoer, M. Medved, J. Distasio, L. Y., Katz, and J. Sareen. 2016. Aging and homelessness in a Canadian context. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 34: 1–13.

Poremski, D., V. Stergiopoulos, E. Braithwaite, J. Distasio, R. Nisenbaum, and E. Latimer, E. 2016. Effects of housing first on employment and income of homeless individuals: Results of a randomized trial. Psychiatric Services 67(6): 603–609.

DeBoer, T.J., M. I. Medved, J. Sareen, D. Hiebert-Murphy, and J. Distasio. 2016. Narratives by health professionals on solvent use and housing insecurity. Housing, Care and Support 19(1): 1–9.

Aubry, T., P. Goering, S. Veldhuizen, C. E. Adair, J. Bourque, J. Distasio, E. Latimer, V. Stergiopoulos, J. Somers, D. L. Streiner, and S. Tsemberis. 2015. Multiple-city RCT of Housing First with assertive community treatment for homeless Canadians with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Service: http://dx.doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201400587.

Poremski, D, J. Distasio, S. Hwang, and L. Latimer. 2015. Employment and income of people who experience mental illness and homelessness in a large Canadian sample/Emploi et revenu des personnes sans abri souffrant de maladie mentale dans un vaste échantillon canadien. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 60(9): 379–385.

Volk, J S., T. Aubry, P. Goering, C. E. Adair, J. Distasio, J. Jette, D. Nolin, V. Stergiopoulos, D. E. Streiner, and S. Tsemberis. 2015. Tenants with additional needs: When housing first does not solve homelessness. Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2015.1101416.

Goering, P., S. Veldhuizen, G. B. Nelson, A. Stefancic, S. Tsemberis, C. E. Adair, J. Distasio, T. Aubry, V. Stergiopoulos, and D. L. Streiner. 2015. Further validation of the pathways housing First Fidelity Scale. Psychiatric Services: appi.ps.201400359.

De Boer, T., J. Distasio, C. Isaak, L. Roos, S. Bolton, M. Medved, L. Y. Katz, P. Goering, and J. Sareen. 2015. What are the predictors of volatile substance use in an urban community of adults who are homeless? Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 34(2): 37–51.

Alaazi, D. A., J. R. Masuda, J. Evans, and J. Distasio. 2015. Therapeutic landscapes of home: Exploring Indigenous peoples' experiences of a Housing First intervention in Winnipeg. Social Science & Medicine 147: 30–37.

Distasio, J., and S. McCullough. 2014. Revitalization in downtown Winnipeg: Current successes and lessons learned. Plan Canada 53(4).

Roos, L. E., J. Distasio, S. L. Bolton, L. Y. Katz, T. O. Afifi, C. Isaak, and J. Sareen. 2014. A history in-care predicts unique characteristics in a homeless population with mental illness. Child Abuse & Neglect 38(10): 1618-1627.

Nelson, G., A. Stefancic, J. Rae, G. Townley, S. Tsemberis, E. Macnaughton, T. Aubry, J. Distasio, R. Hurtubise, M., Patterson, V., Stergiopoulos, M. Piat, and G. Goering. 2014. Early implementation evaluation of a multi-site housing first intervention for homeless people with mental illness: A mixed methods approach. Evaluation and Program Planning 43: 16–26

Adair, C E., B. Koop, J. Lavoie, J. Distasio, S. W. Hwang, A. Watson, S. Veldhuizen, K., Chislett, J. Voronka, M. Ahmad, N. Ahmed, and P. Goering. 2014. Development and initial validation of the Observer-rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS) in a multisite trial of Housing First. Journal of Urban Health: doi:10.1007/s11524-013-9851-6

Distasio, J. & Mulligan, S. 2008. Manitoba Urban Native Housing Association: A single voice, powerful lever. Canadian Housing Volume 24, Number 1. Canadian Housing and Renewal Association. Ottawa.

Distasio, J., Carter, T., Dudley, M., Sylvestre, G. 2008. Community Distress in Canada: Towards a National Measure. National Secretariat on Housing and Homelessness.

Distasio, J. & Dudley, M. 2006. Structural Causes of Housing Distress in Winnipeg: Implications for Programs and Service Delivery. National Secretariat on Housing and Homelessness.

Distasio, J., Mulligan, S., Sylvestre, G. 2006. Home is Where the Heart is at and Rght Now That is No Where: Hidden Homelessness in Prairie Cities. Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.

Distasio, J., Mulligan, S., Giesbrecht, K. 2005. Rooming House Tenant and Landlord Cooperation: a Pilot Project. Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.

Distasio, J., Mulligan, S., Allard, G. 2005. Beyond a Front Desk: The Residential Hotel as Home. Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.

Distasio, J. 2004. First Nations/Métis/Inuit Mobility Study: Final Report. Western Economic Diversification Canada. Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.