Jock Lehr
Title: Professor emeritus
Research Interests:
Ukrainian settlement in Western Canada.
Hutterite settlement in Western Canada.
Ukrainian settlements in South America.
Communal settlements in Canada and Israel.
Provincial parks in Manitoba.
Katz, Y., and Lehr J. 2012. Inside the Ark: The Hutterites in Canada and the United States. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 432p.
Lehr, J. 2011. Community and Frontier: A Ukrainian Settlement in the Canadian Parkland. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 261p.
Lehr, J., and McDowell D. 2011. Trailblazers: the Lives and Times of Michael and Muriel (Smith) Ewanchuk. Winnipeg: Carpathia Publishing, 226p.
Chapters in books:
Lehr, J. 2019. The Jewish Colonization Association in Western Canada, in Roy Jones and Alexandre A.M. Diniz (eds), Twentieth Century Land Settlement Schemes, London: Routledge, 48-66.
Katz, Y. and Lehr, J. 2012. Gender, power and equality: Women's roles in Hutterite society. in Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Yaacov Oved and Menachem Topel. (eds.), The Communal Idea in the 21st. Century. Holland, USA: Brill, 241-266.
Lehr, J., and Zubricky, K. 2012. Image-building in Manitoba. in Jean Harvey and Robert Young (eds.), Image Building in Canadian Municipalities. Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 49-91.
Lehr J. and Aponiuk N. 2012 A question of endurance: Negotiating Ukrainian identity in Manitoba. in George Knysh, Jaroslav Rozumnyj, and Orest Cap (eds.), To the Source: Essays on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Canada 1949-2009. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Canada, 285-299.
Lehr, J., and Cipko S. 2011. Ukrainians in Brazil: Findings from a survey on identity. in Maryna Hrymych, Andriy Nahachewsky, Serge Cipko and Olga Nadia Kalko (eds.), Ukrainians in Brazil: A Historic-Ethnologic Study. Kyiv: Duliby, 104-118.
Cipko, S., and Lehr J. 2011. From the Prairies to Paraná: An Alberta development project in the Municipio de Prudentópolis. Brazil. in Maryna Hrymych, Andriy Nahachewsky, Serge Cipko and Olga Nadia Kalko (eds.), Ukrainians in Brazil: A Historic-Ethnologic Study Kyiv: Duliby, 188-195.
Lehr J. and Katz, Y. 2010. The Hutterites’ dilemma: A closed society confronts diversity, multiculturalism and globalization. in Om P. Juneja and Sudhi Rajiv (eds.), Understanding Diversity: Canada and India. New Delhi: Creative Books, 25-26.
Lehr, J. 2009. A Jewish farmer can’t be: Land settlement policies and ethnic settlement in Western Canada 1970-1919, in Annalee Greenberg and Daniel Stone (eds.), Jewish Life and Times: A Collection of Essays Vol. 9. Winnipeg: Jewish Heritage Centre, 18-28.
Lehr, J. 2024. “The Jewish farm colony at Rosser,” Jewish Life and Times Vol. 10, pp. 158-161.
Lehr, J. 2023. “Outside the Colony: Jewish Farmers on the Prairies,” Canadian Jewish Studies, 36, 79-88.
Lehr, J. 2023. “Wishful thinking: Describing the prairie climate and changing the weather,” Prairie History, No. 12 (Fall) 19-25.
Wienersmith, K., Z. Wienersmith, R. Abramitzky, and J. Lehr, 2023. “To each according to their space-need: Communities in outer space,” Space Policy, 101592.
Lehr, J. 2023. “The evolving prairie landscape,” Prairie History, No.11, (Summer) 37-42.
Lehr, J. 2023. “Hutterites: A borderland society. Prairie Prespectives: Gegraphical Essays, 23: 1-6.
Lehr, J. 2023. “Rabbi Eliezer Gruber’s Jewish agricultural settlement schemes in Manitoba,” Prairie History No.10 (Spring) 20-32.
Lehr, J. 2022.Rupert Brooke on the Prairies, Prairie History No. 9 (Fall), 31-35.
Lehr J. and McGregor, B. "Colony branching among the Schmiedeleut Hutterites of Manitoba," Prairie Perspectives, 2021 22 1-13.
Lehr. J. 2020. It seems we talk a lot: The Jewish farm colony at Rosser and the Vanguard Project, Prairie History, No. 2 (Summer): 25-35.
Lehr, J. 2019. “Doomed to failure”: The Jewish farm colony of Hirsch, Saskatchewan, Manitoba History, No. 89 (Spring), 2-11.
Katz, Y. and Lehr J. 2018. The digital revolution and the Hutterite community: The rules and reality, Prairie Perspectives, 21: 9-15.
Lehr J. 2017. “Field trip: Ukrainian and Jewish settlement northeast of Melfort Saskatchewan,” Prairie Perspectives, 19: 65-69.
Cipko, S, and Lehr, J, 2017. Український культурний ландшафт у Південній Америці [The Ukrainian cultural landscape in South America] in Maryna Hrymych (ed.), Scientific studies on material culture Vol 1. The Research Institute of Ukrainian Education, Anthropology area: Scientific works and materials: Kyiw. [In Ukrainian]: 25-57.
McGregor B., and Lehr, J. (2016) “The agricultural settlement of the Canadian prairies 1870 1930. Using GIS to interpret a dynamic process,” Prairie Perspectives, 18
Lehr J., and McGregor, B. (2016) “The Politics of Toponymy: Naming Settlements and School Districts in Canada’s Prairie Provinces.” Prairie Perspectives, 18
Lehr, J., and Cipko, S. (2015) “The Ukrainian cultural landscape in Canada and Brazil: a century of change and divergence.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 47 (4-5): 73-206
Lehr, J., and McGregor B. (2015) “Did Your Mother Go to Bimbo School? Naming Schools, Power and Politics in Canada’s Prairie West,” Canadian Ethnic Studies 47 (4-5): 111-128.
Albanski, L. and Lehr, J. 2012 Identity, integration and assimilation recorded in Manitoba’s Polish and Ukrainian cemeteries. Great Plains Research 22 (1): 3-14.
Lehr, J. 2011. Owa: A Dariusleut Hutterite Colony in Japan. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays 13: 30-38.
Lehr J., and Aponiuk N. 2011. Memory, myth and monuments: The commemoration of contested past in Western Ukraine. Memory Connection 1 (1): 212-228 (on-line journal).
Aponiuk, N., and Lehr Dz. [Lehr, J]. 2011. Pytannia vytryvalosti: vstanovlennia ukrains’koi identychnosti v Manitobi. [A question of endurance: negotiating Ukrainian identity in Manitoba]. Ukrains’kyy vymir, zbirnyk materialiv z Ukrainy ta diaspory [The Ukrainian dimension, A collection of materials from Ukraine and the diaspora]. Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Lehr, J. 2009. Image building in the Rural Municipality of Stuartburn, Manitoba: The need for public policy. Prairie Perspectives 12: 195-212.
Lehr J., and McGregor, B. 2009. The geography of bilingual schools in Manitoba. Manitoba History ,61 (Fall): 33-36.
Lehr J., and McGregor, B. 2008. Using schools to map the frontier of settlement on the Canadian prairies. Great Plains Research 18 (Spring): 53-66.
Church M., and Lehr, J. 2007. The portrayal of the prairies in Canadian children’s literature. Prairie Forum 32 (1): 111-122.
Lehr, J., Everitt, J., and Evans, S. 2008. The making of the prairie landscape. Prairie Forum 33 (1): 1-38. Reprinted in Gregory P. Marchildon, (ed.), Immigration and Settlement, 1870-1939. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2009: 13-56.
Lehr, J., Bartlet J., and Tabvahtah, J. 2006 The distant beat of my father’s drums: Contemporary Aboriginal music and NCI-FM broadcasting, Manitoba, Canada. GeoJournal 65: 79-90.
Lehr, J. and Aponiuk, N. 2006. Zberezhennya ukrainc’koyii identynoti v manitobi (kanada) ictorychni perspektyvy. Ukrainskyi vimir 5: 71-73.