Nora Casson
Title: Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Influences on Water Quality
Phone: (204) 258-3052
Office: 2RC022
Building: Richardson College for the Environment
Teaching Areas:
Catchment hydrology
Ecosystem ecology
GEOG-3210(3) Hydrology
GEOG-3218(3) Global Biogeochemical Cycles
GESC-7103(3) Interdisciplinary Research Foundations
Research Interests:
Hydrological controls on stream nutrient export.
Landscape controls on stream and lake chemistry.
Interactions between hydrological and biogeochemical processes across ecosystems.
Contosta, A.R., K.A. Arndt, H.M. Baulch, N.J. Casson, A. Harpold, T.L. Morelli, A.P.K. Siren, P.H. Templer (2024) Threshold Changes in Winter Temperature and Precipitation Drive Threshold Responses Across Nine Global Climate Zones and Associated Biomes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 55:271-300. doi:10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110421-102101
*Soto, H.J., I. Amarakoon, N.J. Casson, D. Kumaragamage, H.F. Wilson (2024) The fate of 17β-estradiol in snowmelt from a field with a history of manure application: a laboratory simulation and field study. Environmental Pollution, 356, 123333.
Weerasinghe, V., I. Amarakoon, D. Kumaragamage, N.J. Casson, S. Indraratne, D. Goltz, X Gao (2024) Release of phosphorus and metal(loid)s from manured soils to floodwater during a laboratory simulation of snowmelt flooding. Journal of Environmental Quality, doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20564
Weerasinghe, V., I. Amarakoon, D. Kumaragamage, N.J. Casson, S. Indraratne, D. Goltz, X. Gao (2024). Comparison of manure application methods on nutrient and metal loss to snowmelt. Geoderma Regional, e00799.
*Vitharana, U.W.A., N.J. Casson, D. Kumaragamage, U. Mishra, *K. Friesen-Hughes (2024) Factors controlling the spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon concentrations and stocks in a boreal forest. Geoderma Regional 36, e00749 doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00749
Indraratne, S., I.D. Amarakoon, D. Kumaragamage, A. Lasisi, D. Goltz, N.J. Casson (2023) Loss of potentially toxic elements to snowmelt runoff from soils amended with alum, gypsum, and Epsom salt. Canadian Journal of Soil Science¸104(2):156-165 doi: 10.1139/cjss-2023-0073
Rocher-Ros, G., E.H. Stanley, L.C. Loken, N.J. Casson, P.A. Raymond, S. Liu, G. Amatulli, R. Sponseller (2023) Global methane emissions from rivers and streams. Nature,
Creed, I.F., C.M. Hewitt, N.J. Casson, A.R. Contosta, J.L. Campbell, D. Lutz, A.T. Morzillo (2023) Coupled human-natural system impacts of a winter weather whiplash event. Ecology and Society, 28(2).
*Soto, H.J.S., I.D. Amarakoon, N.J. Casson, D. Kumaragamage, H.F. Wilson (2023) The fate of dissolved sulfamethoxazole during spring-thaw snowmelt in a field with a history of manure application. Canadian Journal of Soil Science doi:10.1139/cjss-2023-0006
Casson, N.J., L. Cameron, I. Mauro, *K. Friesen-Hughes, R. Rocque (2023). Perceptions of the health impacts of climate change among Canadians. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1-13.
*Lasisi, A., D. Kumaragamage, N.J. Casson, I. Amarakoon, S. Indraratne, H.F. Wilson, D. Goltz (2023). Evaluating fall application of soil amendments to mitigate phosphorus losses during spring snowmelt. Catena, 223, 106908.
*+Morison, M.Q., +N.J. Casson, S. Mamet, J. Davenport, *T. Livingston, L.A. Fishback, *H. White, A. Windsor (2023) Snow, ponds, trees & frogs: how environmental processes mediate climate change impacts on four subarctic terrestrial and freshwater systems. FACETS
Stanley, E. H., Loken, L. C., Casson, N. J., Oliver, S. K., Sponseller, R. A., Wallin, M. B., Zhang, L., Rocher-Ros, G. (2022). GRiMeDB: The global river database of methane concentrations and fluxes. Earth System Science Data, 1-94.
Burakowski, E.A., A.R. Contosta, D. Grogan, S.J. Nelson, S. Garlick, N.J. Casson (2022). The future of winter in northeastern North America: climate indicators portray continued or accelerated warming and loss of snow that will impact ecosystems and society. Northeastern Naturalist 28(SI11).
*Morison, M.Q., S.N. Higgins, K.Webster, E. Emilson, H.Yao, N.J. Casson (2022) Spring coherence in dissolved organic carbon export dominates total coherence in Boreal Shield forested catchments. Environmental Research Letters. 17:014048.
Baron, A.A.P., L.T. Dyck, *H. Amjad, J. Bragg, *E. Kroft, J. Newson, *K. Oleson, N.J. Casson, R.L. North, J.J. Venkiteswaran, C.J. Whitfield (2022) Differences in ebullitive methane release from small, shallow ponds present challenges for scaling. Science of The Total Environment. 802(2022): 149685. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149685
*Ducharme, A.A., N.J. Casson, S.N. Higgins, *K. Friesen‐Hughes (2021). Hydrological and catchment controls on event‐scale dissolved organic carbon dynamics in boreal headwater streams. Hydrological Processes. 35(7), e14279. doi: 10.1002/hyp.14279
*Friesen-Hughes, K., N.J. Casson, H.F. Wilson (2021) Nitrogen dynamics and nitrogen-to-phosphorus stoichiometery in cold region agricultural streams. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20234
Ross, C. A., N.J. Casson, *M. Tenuwara (2021) Linking dominant rainfall-runoff event hydrologic response dynamics with nitrate and chloride load estimates of three boreal shield catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126: e2020JG006187. doi: 10.1029/2020JG006187
Orihel, D. M., H. M. Baulch, N. J. Casson, R. L. North, C. T. Parsons, D. C. Seckar, and J. J. Venkiteswaran, J. J. 2017. Internal phosphorus loading in Canadian fresh waters: a critical review and data analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(12): 2005–2029.
Enanga, E. M., N.J. Casson, T. Fairweather, and I. F. Creed. 2017. Nitrous oxide and dinitrogen: The missing flux in nitrogen budgets of forested catchments? Environmental Science and Technology 51(11): 6036–6043.
Crossman, J., M. C. Eimers, N. J. Casson, D. A. Burns, J. L. Campbell, G. E. Likens, M. J. Mitchell, S. J. Nelson, J. B. Shanley, S. A. Watmough, and K. L. Webster. 2016. Regional meteorological drivers and long term trends on winter-spring nitrate dynamics across watersheds in northeastern North America. Biogeochemistry 130(3): 247–265.
Enanga, E. M., I. F. Creed, T. Fairweather, and N. J. Casson. 2016. Snow covered soils produce N2O that is lost from forested catchments prior to snowmelt. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 121: 2356–2368
Stanley, E. H., N. J. Casson, S. T. Christel, J. T. Crawford, L. C. Loken, and S. K. Oliver. 2016. The ecology of methane in streams and rivers: patterns, controls, and global significance. Ecological Monographs 86(2): 146–171.
Enanga, E. M., I. F. Creed, N. J. Casson, and F. D. Beall. 2016. Summer storms trigger soil N2O efflux episodes in forested catchments. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 121: 95-108.
Crawford, J. T., L. C. Loken, N. J. Casson, C. Smith, A. G. Stone, and L. A. Winslow. 2015. High-speed limnology: Using advanced sensors to investigate spatial variability in biogeochemistry and hydrology. Environmental Science and Technology 49(1): 442–450.
Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers, and S. A. Watmough. 2014. Controls on soil nitrification and stream nitrate export at two forested catchments. Biogeochemistry 121(2): 355–368
Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers, and S. A. Watmough. 2014. Sources of nitrate export during rain-on-snow events at forested catchments. Biogeochemistry 120(1-3): 23–36.
O'Brien H. D., M. C. Eimers, S. A. Watmough and N. J. Casson. 2013. Spatial and temporal patterns in total phosphorus in south-central Ontario streams: The role of wetlands and past disturbance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70(5): 766-774, doi:10.1139/cjfas-2012-0474.
Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers, and S. A. Watmough. 2012. Impact of winter warming on the timing of nutrient export from forested catchments. Hydrological Processes 26: 2546–2554.
Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers and S. A. Watmough. 2012. An assessment of the nutrient status of sugar maple in Ontario: Indications of phosphorus limitation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184(10): 5917–5927.
Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers and J. M. Buttle. 2010. The contribution of rain-on-snow events to nitrate export in the forested landscape of south-central Ontario, Canada. Hydrological Processes 24: 1985-1993