Graduate Studies Awards and Autumn Convocation Reception


Each year, The Faculty of Graduate Studies honours our exceptional students at our Graduate Studies Awards and Autumn Convocation Reception. Unfortunately, the event planned for Fall 2021 could not take place due to public health considerations. It is important, however, we continue to celebrate the wonderful traditions established here at The University of Winnipeg. We all wish we could have marked this occasion in person. In lieu of that, we have brought our 2021 Graduate Studies Reception and Autumn Convocation online.

Thank you for helping us recognize our award recipients and graduates.

2021 Graduates

2021-22 Award Winners

Dr. James CurrieDr. James Currie
Interim President & Vice-Chancellor
The University of Winnipeg

Welcome students, families, friends, faculty, staff and donors to our online celebration of graduates and award winners from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Though we would love to be celebrating the achievements of our outstanding graduates in person, we have once again taken our celebrations online due to our continued adherence to public health considerations. Our online celebration does not lessen the accomplishments of this class of talented individuals, however.

Over the past two years, these graduates have faced obstacles unlike that of any group before them, and their graduation is a testament to their incredible strength of mind, spirit, and character. You have each had to adapt to hurdles throughout your studies that have made you well equipped for your next pursuits, and your perseverance has molded you into exceptional communicators, thinkers, and future leaders. We are all awed by your unwavering commitment to academic excellence, and we thank you for being such remarkable representatives of The University of Winnipeg.

Beyond our graduates, we must also thank friends and family, staff and faculty, and donors. Your support – at home and in the community, in the classroom and the field, and in investing in the future of these bright minds – helps make this all possible.

Congratulations to every graduate and award winner. The UWinnipeg community will be following your next chapters with great pleasure and immense pride.

James Currie, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD
Interim President and Vice-Chancellor

Mavis ReimerDr. Mavis Reimer
Dean of Graduate Studies

As the Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Winnipeg, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to the 2021 celebration of the special achievements of some of our graduate students – the winners of major competitive awards and the graduates of our Masters programs.

To all of our graduates, well done! We are proud of each and every one of you! You have completed advanced studies in a variety of programs and disciplines, but all of them share the qualities of having given you considerable command of the subjects you have taken up and considerable independence in charting your own course through your studies. Our hope is that you will use the mastery you’ve earned to make a difference in the various places into which you are now moving.

To our award winners, best wishes as you set out on your learning journey this year. You have shown that you have what it takes to reach the top of your class – good grades and good communication skills, but also an understanding of the significance of the research and study in which you are engaged. We’re looking forward to your contributions to the community of Graduate Studies at the University of Winnipeg over the year ahead.

As with so many events over the past eighteen months, this event has to take place in this distanced format. While we are not able to celebrate together in a crowded room, I hope that you will take great pride in your accomplishments and share them with your families and friends.

Please keep in touch. Whether you are leaving the University of Winnipeg or entering it, our hope is that you will carry a sense of belonging here with you. We’d like to hear from you about your work and lives.

Mavis Reimer, PhD
Faculty of Graduate Studies