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Incidental & One-Time Fees

Incidental and One-Time fees are used to support the operation, maintenance and improvement of university facilities and services, as well as the the University of Winnipeg Students' Association. For more detailed information, please consult the Glossary of Fees.

The majority of graduate students are charged one-time and incidental fees on a per term basis, despite the difference in these fees' categories.

Unlike tuition (program fees), domestic and international students are charged the same rates for one-time and incidental fees.

One-Time and Incidental Fees 2024-2025

The fees listed below are for the 2023-2024 academic year and are subject to change between one academic year and the next.

Incidental Fees

RecPlex Fee
Full-Time: $121.95/year ($40.65/term)
Part-Time: $121.95/year ($40.65/term)

UWSA Student Fee
Full-Time: $178.5/year ($59.50/term)
Part-Time: $89.25/year ($29.75/term)

UWSA - Building Fee
Full-Time: $27.00/year ($9.00/term)
Part-Time: $13.50/year ($4.50/term)

Information Technology Fee
Full-Time: $255.00/year ($85.00/term)
Part-Time: $127.50/year ($42.50/term)

One-Time Fees

Non-Refundable UWSA Fees (UWSA levy)
Full-Time: $77.79/year ($25.93/term)
Part-Time: $77.79/year ($25.93/term)

Fitness Centre Levy
Full-Time: $51.48/year ($17.16/term)
Part-Time: $51.48/year ($17.16/term)

Facility Fee
Full-Time: $153.30/year ($51.50/term)
Full-Time: $153.30/year ($51.50/term)