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Lloyd Kornelsen

Lloyd Kornelsen Title: Associate Professor
Phone: 204.786.7532
Office: 2MS06
Email: l.kornelsen@uwinnipeg.ca


Dr. Lloyd Kornelsen has served Global College in a variety of capacities since 2007, including as Executive Director (Acting), program consultant, practicum coordinator, and Associate Chair of the Joint Master’s Program in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Dr. Kornelsen played an instrumental role in creating and implementing the Human Rights degree (2007-2014). A primary concern of his was providing a curricular bridge between high school and university for students interested in democratic citizenship and human rights in a globalizing world.

Dr. Kornelsen’s work has been published in national and international publications and taken him to places like Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, China, India, and Thailand. He has authored Stories of transformation: Memories of a global citizenship practicum (International Centre for Innovation in Education, 2014) and co-edited Teaching global citizenship: A Canadian perspective (Canadian Scholars, 2020).

Prior to coming to Global College, he was a high school teacher and administrator. In addition, for many years, he was an adult educator and corporate conflict/mediation consultant. His clients included local, national, and international groups, firms, and organizations.

Dr. Kornelsen received a PhD from the University of Manitoba, an MA in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University, and a BEd (Gold Medal) from the University of Manitoba. He has been granted the Manitoba Education Research Network Award for outstanding achievement in education research and UW’s Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for teaching excellence.