Settler Representations of Indigenous Peoples in Film
Wed. Jan. 22 12:30 PM
- Thu. Jan. 23 01:30 PM
Location: Room 2B23 (Bryce Hall), University of Winnipeg
Join German-Canadian Studies for their brown bag lecture with Dr. Karen Froman, speaking on “Settler Representations of Indigenous Peoples in Film.”
This talk will briefly examine the ways in which the Canadian government utilized documentary film in the post-war period as a means of informing the general public of Indigenous peoples and government policies towards them. These films were intended to inform the general public that Indigenous peoples were "ready and capable" of joining Canadian society as "full citizens," yet many films of this era perpetuate the image of the "primitive savage."
All brown bag lectures are approximately 30 minutes in length, followed by a discussion period. These lectures are held in Room 2B23 (Bryce Hall), are free to attend, and open to students, staff, faculty and members of the public.
Don't forget to bring your bagged lunch!