Career Fair
Tue. Jan. 16 10:00 AM
- Tue. Jun. 13 03:00 PM
Location: Dr. David F. Anderson Gymnasium, Duckworth Centre
Event Details
Annual Career Fair Date: Tuesday, January 16th, 2018 |
Annual Speed Networking Event Date: Tuesday, January 16th, 2018 |
Why You Should Attend
At our annual Career Fair you will have the opportunity to connect with Recruiters from various companies, organizations and university programs. Attend this event to find out about potential careers, part time jobs, volunteer and internship positions as well as college and university programs.
The Speed Networking Event takes place alongside the Career Fair and is your opportunity as an undergraduate student to speak one-on-one with alumni and employers who recognize the value, usefulness, and relevance of your degree in the job market. Every 30 minutes there will be a fresh group of employers and alumni to meet with. Drop by anytime throughout the event to join the conversation.