
Attack on Sport! February 5, 2015

Thu. Feb. 5, 2015

Attack on Sport!  
A Panel Presentation and Discussion Forum

Sport: A Changing Landscape

2015 is the Year of Sport – and Sport is under Attack! We hear about hazing, harassment, doping infractions, brawls (on the ice and in the stands), and the dangers of concussion. Does sport get a 'pass' for behaviours that are seen as 'part of the game'? Who is responsible for the problems facing sport today? Who is responsible for the solutions? 

Everyone is welcome to this dynamic, interactive 3 hour panel presentation and discussion forum reviewing the societal impact of sport, and the current challenges facing the sport community.  

Keynote speakers: Paul Melia, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, and Winnipeg Free Press journalist, Dan Lett, on how sport is portrayed in the media.
Discussion panel featuring these experts in the field:

Alex Gardiner, Head Coach, Canadian Track & Field Team at the 2012 Olympics
Sandra Kirby, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, UWinnipeg, former Olympian
Jeff Palamar, Taylor McCaffrey LLP
Jeff Powell, General Manager, Canadian Sports Centre
Sheldon Reynolds, Coach Educator, Sport Manitoba
Moderator: Glen Bergeron, Associate Dean, Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology & Applied Health

A light supper will be served and all can contribute in the facilitated break out sessions ensuring lively discussion. Be part of the changing landscape!

Date: Thursday, February 5, 2015          
Time: 5:30PM – 9:00PM (includes light supper)
Arrival/register 5:30-6:00PM; Program/light supper begins at 6PM      

Riddell Hall, 385 Spence Street, University of Winnipeg

NOTE: $4 evening flat rate in RecPlex underground secure and heated parkade. (From Portage Avenue turn onto Young Street – at CBC Building)

Advance Registration Required:

Adult registration ($37 - includes light supper and GST): 
Student registration ($20 includes light supper and GST):

For group rates (10 or more) please email Penny Paul
For more information contact Penny at 204.632.2810 or Dr. Glen Bergeron