Congratulations to the 2015 Athletic Therapy Award Recipients
Wed. Nov. 25, 2015
A small reception was held for the 2015 Athletic Therapy Award Recipients and the Award Sponsors on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 in The University Club in historic Wesley Hall (aka 'The Sandcastle'). The University of Winnipeg's Athletic Therapy Program is one of only six accredited in Canada.
Students from l-r: Harley Thwaites - MB Brain Injury Association Scholarship; Garrett Bannatyne - Chuck Badcock Award; Mallory Black - Sam Diamond Scholarship; Kathlyn Hossack – CATA Leadership Award (Canadian Athletic Therapists Association). Award Sponsors (l-r): Gerald Diamond, Sponsor ; Margaurite Mackie, wife of Gord Mackie, and Gord’s daughter, Polly (in front). Not shown: Val Bergeron, MBIA Sponsor; Ashton Chabot – Gord Mackie Award
Dr. Glen Bergeron, Acting Dean of the Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health, created and sustained the Heads Up Dinner and Auction Fundraiser for eleven years, in conjunction with the Manitoba Brain Injury Association, raising over $200K in endowment funds so that The Athletic Therapy Awards are given out annually to our deserving, hard-working and community-minded AT students