Dr. Melanie Gregg Appointed Acting Chair
Wed. Jan. 4, 2017
Melanie Gregg, PhD, Appointed Acting Chair
Congratulations to Dr. Melanie Gregg who has been appointed Acting Chair from January 4, 2017 to December 31, 2017 inclusive.
Dr. Gregg's area of research is sport and exercise psychology with primary interests in motivational imagery ability and use by athletes; and psychological skills use by athletes with intellectual impairment.
Her courses include: Sport Psychology, Psychological Skills for Sport and Life; Melanie was a track and field athlete so she also teaches and Instructing Sport and Phsycial Activity: Track and Field. Her current office is on the second floor of the Axworthy Health & RecPlex
Phone: 204.786.9820
Email: m.gregg@uwinnipeg.ca
Outgoing Chair, Dr. David Telles-Langdon will now be focusing his attention on research towards publications. The Department thanks David for his service as Chair.