Locker Rental Form - Spring Term 2024
A locker is a temporary storage area, on a day-to-day basis, for such items as clothing, shoes and books. We strongly advise that you DO NOT store cash, credit cards, wallets, purses, jewelry, watches, electronics, or any other valuables in your locker.
You must be registered in course(s) to rent a locker.
Please complete all fields of the form before submitting.
** PLEASE NOTE: A locker fee of $6.25/person per rental period will be applied to your account. Please check your account online.
Locker fees are a NON-REFUNDABLE fee and all locker assignments are FINAL. **
Please select a rental period:
Please select a rental period:
May (May 6, 2024 - May 31, 2024) - $6.25 per student
June (June 1, 2024 – June 28, 2024) - $6.25 per student
July (July 2, 2024 – July 31, 2024) - $6.25 per student
August (August 1, 2024 – August 23, 2024) -$6.25 per student
NOTE: Locker rentals for FALL TERM 2024 will be available starting July 3, 2024. Check back here to sign up!
Please select a locker location
Please select a locker location
Lower level Manitoba Hall – full-size
Riddell Hall tunnel - full-size
Third floor Richardson College for the Environment and Science – half-size
Asper Centre for Theatre and Film (only THFM students), concourse floor (half-size lockers)
* Bill Wedlake Fitness Centre – These lockers not rented by Student Central.
* RFCE, first and second floor - These are lab lockers (not rented by Student Central).
Student Information
Student number:
University Email:
Specific locker number(s) requested (optional):
Student Central will do its best to accommodate specific locker requests based on availability. Please list areas/numbers in ranked order.
Locker Regulations:
1. All locker assignments and fees are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE. No switching permitted. Choose your preferred locker area(s) or number(s)
you request a locker.
2. Locks are to be provided by students. We advise that you invest in a good-quality lock.
3. Unauthorized use of a locker will result in the lock and contents being removed.
4. Check your locker and contents as often as is practical.
5. Lockers must be emptied at the end of each rental period.
6. All locker tenants are solely responsible for their own property. The University of Winnipeg shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to locker contents. Renters should not store valuable items in lockers.
7. Please report thefts and any unusual incidents to Security Services immediately.
I have read the locker regulations and agree to the locker rental terms, including that locker assignments are final and locker fees are non-refundable.
I have read the locker regulations and agree to the locker rental terms, including that locker assignments are final and locker fees are non-refundable.
The collection of personal information through this application is solely for the purpose of processing your locker rental. It is collected to administer the rental and will not be used or disclosed otherwise. It is collected under 36(1) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection of your information, contact our Information and Privacy Officer at 204.988.7538 or 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2E9.
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