Applicant Details
Indigenous Identity (please select all that apply) *
The University of Winnipeg is committed to ensuring material benefits, including educational and research opportunities, meant for Indigenous people are accessed by them, therefore, successful applicants will be asked to provide documentation to substantiate their Indigenous identity as a condition of enrolling in ISSP. More information will be sent in the confirmation email in March.
Have you been nominated to the ISSP by a faculty member? *
Application Materials
If you have not been nominated for the ISSP program, please upload a letter of recommendation from a University of Winnipeg faculty member.
Privacy, Indigenous Identity, and Personal Information
Your personal information is collected under The University of Winnipeg Act and 36(1)(b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of processing your application as an ISSP scholar or researcher. If successful, your personal information will also be used for ISSP registration, communications, and other purposes related to the program.
As participation in the ISSP is a material benefit intended for Indigenous persons, successful applicants must also supply documentation for the purpose of verifying their Indigenous identity as outlined in the University’s Indigenous Identify Verification Measures. The University will confidentially and securely assess this documentation in order to verify your Indigenous identity. The University may request additional information from you in order to verify your Indigenous identity. If your Indigenous identity is successfully verified, the University will create a document confirming you have satisfied the identity verification requirement. This document, as well as your documentation, will be securely retained by the University for the duration of your studies or employment and may be used to confirm your eligibility for other material benefits intended for Indigenous persons. If your identity is not successfully verified, the University will create a document noting your verification was unsuccessful and destroy your documentation after 1 year.
Questions regarding the University’s Indigenous identity verification requirements may be directed to indigenousengagement@uwinnipeg.ca . General questions regarding privacy may be directed to privacy@uwinnipeg.ca or 204-988-7538.
In lieu of a signature, please type your name and enter the date according to the prompts below.