Sharing Indo-Caribbean Stories
Sharing Indo-Caribbean Stories
April 1, 2025
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Gallery 1C03 and Room 2M70, The University of Winnipeg
I wish to share a brief familial story about my Indo-Caribbean heritage at this event for by speaking for about 2-4 minutes. If I am able, I will bring an object that connects in some way to the story I would like to tell. It might be a photo of my ancestor or another possession that offers a starting point for my story. I grant permission to the University of Winnipeg to record my story for use in academic learning. I understand that, due to time limitations and in order to allow others an opportunity to share their stories, I will do my best to stay within the allotted time to share my story.
If I have any questions regarding the event, I will contact Gallery 1C03 Director/Curator Jennifer Gibson at
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