Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata
Patricia Eyamba's placement was with Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, an Indigenous community organization in Winnipeg, Manitoba, whose operations are consistent with Indigenous beliefs and values. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata is an Ojibway phrase which means “we all work together to help one another”. The center has been operating since 1984 with the aim of applying Indigenous solutions to supporting and rebuilding families. (Ma Mawi Chi Itata, centre, 2020). Patricia's role was in the support of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) calls to action project and specifically, her responsibility was to prepare resource materials for the Mino Stat An (making things right) Truth and Reconciliation 4-day experiential learning sessions. She sourced supporting documents, identifying participants, resources on child welfare, justice, education and developed an evaluation framework. The objective of this workshop is to provide educational/training opportunities to participants on Indigenous history and the impact of residential schools.