On average, each person on campus generates almost 400 kg of greenhouse gas emissions per year while commuting. By encouraging alternative transport in your office, you and your colleagues will help lower our campus carbon footprint and improve your health and wellness.
Transportation Checklist
- Office staff are aware of the active transportation resources on campus:
- Active Transportation Showers
- Secure Bike Parking
- Wellness and Sustainability Benefit
- Bike Lab
- Peg City Car Coop
- GoManitoba
- UPass (students)
- Safewalk
- City of Winnipeg Bike Map (also available in print at our office).
- Commuter Challenge
- Winnipeg Transit
- Office staff utilize the university's Peg City Car Coop car, the GoManitoba app, or use telecommuting technologies to get to off-campus meetings when it is not practical to walk or bus to them.
- Our office participates in the annual Commuter Challenge, hosted by the Green Action Centre, in June and September.
- Office staff uses personal or institutional Commuter Challenge data to track the impact of our daily commutes.
- Office staff reduce the impact of our transportation behaviour by taking the bus, cycling, carpooling and using alternate forms of active transportation to get to and from work.
Additional Resources
The latest Commuter Survey is a great place to start if you want to learn more about our campus' transportation impact.
Find your route on Winnipeg Transit with the Navigo Trip Planner.
Learn about the City of Winnipeg's plans for a sustainable transit future.