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Cyber Security

October 2024 is Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) in Canada and we at the University are proud to be a Get Cyber Safe champion working to help Canadians stay safe online. Cyber Month is an important time to reflect, as individuals and as an organization, on how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones online.

What does it mean to be a Cyber Month champion? It means that the University of Winnipeg will be engaging with Get Cyber Safe’s online campaign and sharing expertise on cyber safety – we would love for you to get involved. As many of you know, cyber security is a shared responsibility. Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Promote Cyber Month on your own personal social media channels
  • Follow cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • Talk about cyber security with friends and family – here are resources to help you (simply select the topics that mean most to you)

Thanks in advance for your help in keeping Canadians safe online. We wish you a very safe and happy Cyber Month!