Course Outlines 2024-25
Note: With the exception of some Special Studies courses, most outlines for the current year will be posted here as soon as available. (Winter term courses are now included.) If you do not find the course you are looking for below you can review outlines from previous years on the Course Outlines Archives Page.
Using the table below, locate your specific class by course AND section number, instructor name, and time. Once you have located the correct course, click on the Course Number/Name link to view your course outline as a PDF. You should save your course outlines to your local computer and print a hard copy to take to class with you.
If you require a different format (Word or hard-copy) please contact the Department Office.
Course Number / Name | Instructor | Term | Days | Time |
1001-001 Intro: Performance | Soares | U2024FW | M | 08:30-11:20 |
1001-002 Intro: Performance | Borody | U2024FW | MW | 16:00-17:15 |
1001-003 Intro: Performance | Gupa | U2024FW | TuTh | 14:30-15:45 |
1001-050 Intro: Performance | Moore | U2024FW | MW | 18:00-19:20 |
1002-001 Intro: General | Riley | U2024FW | TuTh | 11:30-12:45 |
1003-050 Intro Theatre: Indig Performance | Knight/Van Beukenhout | U2024FW | TuTh | 17:30-18:45 |
1010-001 Introduction to Film | Rojas Anaya | U2024FW | W | 11:30-14:20 |
1010-050 Introduction to Film | Mitrovic | U2024FW | W | 18:00-21:00 |
2101-001 Acting Theory and Practice | Borody | U2024FW | MW | 13:30-15:45 |
2101-002 Acting Theory and Practice | Gupa | U2024FW | TuTh | 11:30-13:45 |
2133-001 Intro to Devised Theatre | Borody | U2024W | TuTh | 16:00-17:15 |
2201-001 Principles of Design | McMullen | U2024F | F (M/W) | 09:30-11:20 |
2202-001 Graphic Standards | Parboosingh | U2024W | TuTh | 13:00-14:15 |
2310-001 Filmmaking I | Jerrett | U2024FW | MW | 09:30-12:20 |
2310-050 Filmmaking I | Mitrovic | U2024FW | TuTh | 18:00-21:00 |
2312-001 Documentary Film | Raven | U2024FW | F | 09:30-12:20 |
2314-001 Film Horror | Kozak | U2024FW | W | 14:30-17:15 |
2401-001 Theatre History I | Riley | U2024F | TuTh | 14:30-15:45 |
2406-770 History of Fashion & Dress | Johnson | U2024FW | Th | 18:00-21:00 |
2410-001 History of Film | Kozak | U2024FW | F | 14:30-17:15 |
2501-001 Mime & Improv | Guile | U2024FW | TuTh | 13:00-14:15 |
2502-001 (3) Voice and Speech Skills | Vickers | U2024F | TuTh | 10:00-11:15 |
2502-003 (3) Voice and Speech Skills | Soares | U2024W | TuTh | 10:00-11:15 |
2510-050 Intro Producing for Film | Jarvis | U2024W | W | 18:00-21:00 |
2601-050 Costuming | McLean | U2024F | TuTh | 17:30-18:45 |
2601-051 Costuming | McLean | U2024W | TuTh | 17:30-18:45 |
2602-001 Lighting Design | Henderson | U2024W | WF | 08:30-09:45 |
2607-001 Intro to Sewing | Frost | U2024F | MW | 16:00-17:15 |
2607-050 Intro to Sewing | Frost | U2024F | MW | 17:30-18:45 |
2607-051 Intro to Sewing | Frost | U2024W | MW | 17:30-18:45 |
2608-001 Costuming the Production I | McLean | U2024W | MW | 09:30-12:20 |
2611-001 Intro to Screenwriting | Raven | U2024F | TuTh | 14:30-15:45 |
2611-002 Intro to Screenwriting | Raven | U2024W | TuTh | 14:30-15:45 |
2612-050 Script & Small Screen: TV Drama | Ball | U2024W | M | 18:00-21:00 |
2701-001 Playwriting I | Drader | U2024FW | MW | 16:00-17:15 |
2703-001 Play Analysis | Riley | U2024F | TuTh | 10:00-11:15 |
2801-001 & 002 Production I | Frost/Neville | U2024FW | TuTh | 14:30-17:15 |
2802-001 Business of Theatre | McIntyre | U2024F | TuTh | 16:00-17:15 |
2803-001 & 002 Light & Sound in Prod | Neville | U2024F & W | TuTh | 14:30-17:15 |
2807-001 & 002 Intro Stagecraft | Frost | U2024F & W | TuTh | 14:30-17:15 |
2920-001 Intro to Dance - Mus Theatre | Jones | U2024F | TuTh | 08:30-09:45 |
3002-495 W2B Sp St Advanced Playwriting | McIntyre | U2024W | NA | |
3101-001 Acting III Advanced Practice | McIntyre | U2024FW | MWF | 10:30-12:20 |
3105-001 Advanced Movement I | Evans | U2024FW | MWF | 13:30-14:20 |
3106-001 Advanced Movement II | Evans | U2024FW | MWF | 10:30-12:20 |
3108-001 Voice & Text in Studio | Vickers | U2024F | TuTh | 13:00-14:15 |
3109-001 Voice & Text in Performance | Vickers | U2024W | TuTh | 13:00-14:15 |
3110-001 Screen Acting | Lowe | U2024FW | TuTh | 14:30-17:15 |
3201-001 Styles in Design | McMullen | U2024FW | MW | 14:30-17:15 |
3310-001 Filmmaking II | Raven | U2024FW | TuTh | 10:00-12:45 |
3313-001 Advanced Picture Editing | Sodhi | U2024FW | TuTh | 14:30-17:15 |
3402-001 Canadian Drama | Riley | U2024W | TuTh | 10:00-11:15 |
3503-001 Stage Combat | Guile | U2024F | TuTh | 10:00-11:15 |
3608-001 Costuming Practicum II | McLean | U2024W | MW | 09:30-12:20 |
3611-001 Advanced Screenwriting | Raven | U2024FW | W | 09:30-12:20 |
3801-001 Production II | Wiens | U2024FW | TuTh | 11:30-12:45 |
3802-001 & 4802-001 Stage Management | Watson | U2024F | TuTh | 08:30-11:15 |
3807-001 Production Op & Man | Popp | U2024F | TuTh | 13:00-14:15 |
3808-001 Stagecraft Practicum | Frost | U2024W | F | 14:30-17:15 |
4042-601 Sp St: Readings in Intimacy Dir | Malazdrewich | U2024W | NA | |
4108-001 Speech in Performance | Vickers | U2024F | TuTh | 11:30-12:45 |
4109-001 Voice & Holistic Expression | Vickers | U2024W | TuTh | 11:30-12:45 |
4131-001 Acting III: Honours | McIntyre | U2024FW | MWF | 15:30-17:15 |
4141-001 Acting IV: Style & Genre | McGrath/Geller | U2024FW | MWF | 14:30-16:15 |
4203-001 Contemporary Stage Design | McMullen | U2024FW | NA | |
4331-001 Directing I | Malazdrewich | U2024FW | TuTh | 14:30-17:15 |
4441-001 Aesthetics | Malazdrewich | U2024W | TuTh | 10:00-11:15 |
4802-001 Hons Stage Mgmt - Theory | Watson | U2024F | TuTh | 08:30-11:15 |
4803-001 Hons Stage Mgmt - Practice | Watson | U2024F | NA | |
4803-002 Hons Stage Mgmt - Practice | Watson | U2024W | NA | |
4809-001 Adv Stagecraft Pract | Frost | U2024FW | F | 14:30-17:15 |