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Kelly Kolt-Mackie

Kelly Kolt-Mackie Title: YU@W Participant


Kelly Kolt-Mackie, age 22, Urban and Inner City Studies, graduating 2019.

I have been studying and observing the many complexities of Winnipeg’s inner-city throughout my degree and feel as though working at an organization within the inner-city will allow for an experience that further strengthens that knowledge while also benefiting the community and its members.

I hope to learn more about the various community-based organizations in Winnipeg’s inner-city, the history and benefits to the community of the organization I am placed in, and to gain skills in order to help with future full-time employment with an inner-city organization. I also hope to learn from my peers and their experiences.

In order to reach the goal of reconciliation in Canada, a collective effort from everyone in this country is necessary. I feel as though it is the responsibility of settlers (such as myself) and newcomers to participate in any opportunity involving Indigenous-led reconciliation that we are given. Building strong and healthy relationships among Indigenous, settlers and newcomers is crucial in order to address all of the complex issues that have stemmed from Canada’s colonial history and work towards solutions.