Tom Carter
Urban Issues Expert, Volunteer, Former Faculty Member

Tom Carter, ©UWinnipeg
Giving voice to the marginalized has been the life’s work of Tom Carter. While serving as the Director of UWinnipeg’s Institute of Urban Studies (IUS) he was named the Canada Research Chair in Urban Change and Adaptation.
During the course of 25 years, Carter has gained worldwide recognition as an international authority on urban policy and housing issues. The depth and scope of his research on critical issues such as rural housing, Aboriginal communities, and inner-city housing continue to play a major role in generating workable solutions for many communities in Canada and abroad.
Carter focused on the issue of housing not only as an academic, but as a volunteer with scores of community-based groups. Until his retirement, he spent decades contributing countless hours to grass-roots community groups and organizations dedicated to inner-city revitalization and addressing the needs of housing and other issues faced by the poor, Aboriginal people, new immigrants, and the inner city in general.
He has lent his vision and expertise by serving on the boards and committees of many community based groups and on the municipal, provincial, and federal government levels. His leadership and involvement has led to many awards and distinctions for his lasting impact on protecting the society’s most vulnerable.
Many of his activities converged in the $1.4-million government-funded research project Winnipeg Inner-City Research Alliance, which Carter launched, in partnership with community organizations, at the Institute of Urban Studies in 1999. Its mandate has been to partner community groups with established researchers to undertake action-oriented research that meets community needs.
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