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55 Plus Program

Welcome to the 55 Plus Program at the University of Winnipeg, a student-centered research institution. This program reinforces the institution’s status as a unique and innovative downtown University broadly connected to the community. By embracing inclusivity and fostering meaningful connections within the community, The University of Winnipeg continues to be a leader in older adult education with the 55 Plus Program for over 30 years.

What’s special about 55 Plus?

  • Professors and students love this unique format
  • No tests, no assignments, and no exams. Just the joy of learning.
  • Unique program not offered anywhere else in Manitoba
  • Six week courses (once per week)

Why do students like 55 Plus?

  • Students enjoy the intellectual stimulation, discussion, and socialization.
  • Students engage with the vibrant diverse UWinnipeg community
  • Students enjoy the chance to connect with others


All courses are offered in person only.

The University of Winnipeg’s 55 Plus Program offers a broad range of courses including history, philosophy, law, art, music, film, current affairs, religion and political science. Each course is taught by an expert in the field.

Location and Time

In-person classes take place at the University of Winnipeg in Room 2AX06, located on the second floor of the Axworthy Health & RecPlex (see map). There is parking close to the classroom (see parking map). Classes are two hours long and are once per week for a six-week period.

Classes are held Mondays and Tuesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

To view a listing and description of past and current courses, along with the instructors biographies, please select a term:

Current Courses

Past Courses


Please note: The registration process for the 55 Plus Program has changed. Students are to register and pay for courses online through the Instant Enrollment portal as a Guest. Clicking the Register Now button below will take users to the Instant Enrollment page. Follow the numbered instructions below to find and register for your desired courses.

Register now

  1. Start by entering the Course Number or Keyword (be sure to include the dashes in the course number)
    • Spring 2025 current numbers:
      • The Survival of Nations: D55-31800-PTSP1
      • Viking Humor: D55-31900-PTSP1
  2. On next screen, click Select next to the desired course.
  3. On next screen, click Add Section to confirm your choice.
  4. On next screen, click Continue to Payment.
  5. On next screen, add your Personal Details.
    • If you are a current student, the system will locate your information has been entered.
    • If you are a new student, a student profile will be created based on the information you have entered. You will be assigned a Student ID Number.
  6. Payment must be made at the time of your registration (Visa and MasterCard only).
    • New Student: Your payment receipt will be sent to the email you provided
    • Current Student: Your payment receipt will be sent to your University of Winnipeg webmail
    • To access to your Webmail, you will need an additional layer of authentication beyond a username and password. This is known as Multi-Factor Authentication. Learn more.
  7. If you have issues accessing Webmail, please contact servicedesk@uwinnipeg.ca or call 204.786.9149.
  8. If you have questions regarding the 55 Plus Program, please contact 55plus@uwinnipeg.ca.

Contact Us

55 Plus Program

Email: 55plus@uwinnipeg.ca