
Awards in Kinesiology and Applied Health

Word "Faculty of kinesiology Awards" in red text on white background

Featured Kinesiology Student

Jennifer SchreibmaierJennifer Schreibmaier 
Gord Mackie Scholarship in Athletic Therapy

“I am honoured to have been selected for this award and equally honoured to be given the opportunity to personally thank the donors for their continuous generosity and support. The awards and scholarships, which you are celebrating today, recognize students for their hard work and their dedication to their university studies and academic achievements. In addition to their academic excellence, these awards also offer students some financial assistance.”

“Thank to The University of Winnipeg Athletic Therapy Student Association, who established this award in honour of Gordon Mackie, a founding member of the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association and the former head therapist of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Having been nominated for such as pristine award leaves me feeling undeniably grateful.”

Full Awards List


    April Burnell Lions Club of Winnipeg Housing Centres 25th Anniversary Scholarship

    Katherin Dyck Chuck Badcock Scholarship in Athletic Therapy

    Keeyaanii Goodluck Opportunity Fund Tuition Credit

    Ofer Mogilnicky Sam Diamond Athletic Therapy Scholarship

    Kira Putnam Manitoba Brain Injury Athletic Therapy Scholarship

    Jennifer Schreibmaier Gord Mackie Scholarship in Athletic Therapy

    Nori Sigvaldason Betty Anna Isfeld Entrance Scholarship

    Emily Thiessen Gord Mackie Scholarship in Athletic Therapy

 Message from the Dean

Doug Goltz Dr. Doug Goltz
Acting Dean, Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health, The University of Winnipeg

The Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health is an active program with outstanding students who develop exceptional skills in the ever-growing field of human health as it relates to physical activity, nutrition, biomechanics, sports, and psychology, as well as physiology and care for bone and joint injuries.

Hard work, a creative mind, and a willingness to explore new ideas are just a few of the things required to achieve your academic goals. To all of the award winners in the Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health, I extend my warmest congratulations on your achievement.

Awards by Faculty


Business and Economics


Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health


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