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Undergraduate Programs

Registrar’s Office

Undergraduate Degrees

The study of Biology encompasses any manifestation of life, from the DNA molecule to the interactions of organisms within the various ecosystems of the earth. This broad discipline includes the subject areas of Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Ecology, Genetics and Molecular Biology.

The Biology Department offers the 3-Year BSc, 4-Year BSc, and BSc Honours degrees. 

Students pursuing a 3-year or 4-year BSc in Biology have the opportunity to take a Business Stream – a set of core courses in the Faculty of Business that will provide them with the skills needed to enter and succeed in industry and business. See the "Science with a Business Stream" section of this Course Calendar.

In addition, courses in Biology constitute the core of the Environmental Studies Forest Ecology Program, the Forest Policy and Management Program, and the Biochemistry Program.

A BSc in Biology can lead to employment in Conservation or other government departments, work as a technologist in a research or industrial laboratory, as well as a career in education. It also provides the preparation necessary for those entering several professional programs including Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Optometry.

Many Biology graduates also pursue post-graduate education. The necessary academic preparation for post-graduate studies is only provided by the 4-Year and Honours degrees in Biology. The 3-Year BSc is not recognized as adequate preparation by most Graduate Studies Programs in Canada or internationally. 


BIOL-4111 Biology Honours Thesis

Application Instructions and Application Form [PDF]

Pre-Professional Program Fact Sheets

In contrast to other university degree programs, professional programs are designed to prepare students for specific careers in areas such Medicine or Optometry. Many professional programs require the completion of some study before you apply for admission to the program. This is the pre-professional component of your studies. The University of Winnipeg provides courses that can be used to fulfill the admission requirements for professional programs at other Canadian universities.

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