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Curatorial Dreaming: Love Medicine

Love Medicine PosterThis June, members of Thinking Through The Museum were grateful to host a Curatorial Dreaming Workshop at the University of Winnipeg to support the development of Dr. MichelleMcGeough’s forthcoming exhibit called Love Medicine.

This workshop brought emerging Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer curators from across Canada together to experiment, vision and dream. Themes of love, land, kin, community, found family,healing and transformation, reciprocity, care, joy, pleasure and consent were weaved throughout the two-day workshop from our time in the Two-Spirit Archives to our development work lead by Adrienne Huard and Dr. Shelley Butler.  McGeough's efforts on Love Medicine is offered as a love letter to her community, addressing the profound absences of 2S/Indigiqueer lives in archives and galleries. We look forward to watching this project continue to unfold.curatorial dreaming group