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Mavis Reimer Renewed as Canada Research Chair in Young People’s Texts and Cultures

Fri. Nov. 26, 2010

The University of Winnipeg is pleased to announce the renewal of Dr. Mavis Reimer's appointment as Canada Research Chair in Young People’s Texts and Cultures.

Dr. Reimer is receiving a renewal of her current Tier II award, which is over a five-year term at $100,000/year. She will continue to direct the Centre for Research in Young People’s Texts and Cultures in its scholarly inquiry into literary, media, and other cultural texts for children and youth. In her first five-year term, Dr. Reimer was very successful in expanding this area of research, bringing world-renowned visiting scholars to the University and making the University of Winnipeg an internationally recognized institution in this research field. She was also instrumental in the creation of the Masters in Cultural Studies.

The Canada Research Chairs program stands at the centre of a national strategy to make Canada one of the top countries in research and development. The program invests $300-million per year to attract and retain some of the world’s most accomplished and promising minds. To learn more about this program, visit the Canada Research Chairs website.