Academic Journals
Barnboken: tidskrift för barnlitteraturforskning (Journal of Children’s Literature Research)
Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights
Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts
Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research
Children, Youth, and Environments
Children’s Literature in English Language Education
Dzieciństwo: Literatura i Kultura / Childhood: Literature and Culture
International Research in Children’s Literature
Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures
Journal of Childhood and Religion
Journal of Children’s Literature
Journal of Graduate Research in Young People’s Materials and Culture
Libri & Liberi: Journal of Research on Children’s Literature and Culture
The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children’s Literature
Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies
Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics
Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature
Red Feather Journal: an International Journal of Children’s Visual Culture
Research on Diversity in Youth Literature
Strenae: Recherches sur les livres et objets culturels de l’enfance