Kay Stone
Title: Professor Emerita, University of Winnipeg
Email: kayfstone@gmail.com
I completed BA and MS degrees in cultural geography, after which I spent two years as a geography editor in Chicago. I returned to academic world in 1966 as a folklore student at Indiana University, completing a doctoral degree in 1975. My dissertation was an exploration of women in folktales, which eventually led me to a teaching position in the English department at the University of Winnipeg for almost three decades. I taught Oral Literature 1 (Folklore and Mythology), Oral Literature 2 (storytelling techniques) and Children’s Literature. Through my teaching I began telling traditional stories in Winnipeg schools, and have continued to perform as a storyteller for both adults and children. The three books I’ve written (Burning Brightly, The Golden Woman, and Some Day Your Witch Will Come) grew from exploring different aspects of folktales as a literary art and performance art. I have done several fringe shows, and continue to give workshops and performances in Canada and the U.S. I’m a founding member of Stone Soup Stories, Eldertales, and the Manitoba Storytelling Guild. View my website.