Kinesiology and Applied Health
The Department of Kinesiology and Applied Health at the University of Winnipeg is an undergraduate-focused and student-centered program with dedicated, high quality and accessible academic staff. Our professors have expertise and research interests in sport and exercise psychology, exercise physiology, biomechanics, sport nutrition, prevention and treatment of muscle, bone and joint injuries, and pedagogy.
Professionals in the field of Kinesiology aim to increase physical activity participation, enhance sport performance, develop physical literacy, and promote the positive long terms effects of physical activity for every individual throughout their lifespan. Students in the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Health are immersed in current knowledge and practice in the field and are given opportunities for practical learning experiences that prepare them for productive careers promoting movement, health, and wellness.
For inquiries about studying in the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Health, e-mail us at:
Our mission is to engage students with evidence-based experiential learning to promote health, human movement and sport.
We envision healthy active communities built through knowledge, research and practice.
Proudly Accredited by:
Bachelor of Kinesiology – Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA)
Bachelor of Science in Athletic Therapy – Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA)