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Wu Chung Scholar graduates this spring

Wed. Jun. 5, 2019

Huiqi Deng has earned the lucrative Wu Chung Scholarship at UWinnipeg, and is one of two of these scholars graduating next week at Spring Convocation.  The Wu Chung Scholarship recognizes the academic achievements and leadership potential of outstanding students from Huadu, in the region of Guangzhou, China, and enables them to study at UWinnipeg. The scholarship covers tuition, books, housing, and travel home once a year until the student completes their degree. 

Huiqi Deng is the youngest sister of four boys from Haudu, China. She applied for the Wu Chung Scholarship thanks to the encouragement of her high school teacher, who encouraged her love of English. One could often find her talking to herself, practicing her English. 

Thanks to her love of the language when she arrived at UWinnipeg in 2014, she began her studies in the ELP program, and was able to begin her Bachelor of Arts, Honours, after only one term of English language studies.

Initially Deng wanted to study psychology, to help a friend in need, however, with her first term beginning in January she could not take any introductory psychology classes.

"I began taking courses in statistics and math," shared Deng. "Then I remembered that I enjoyed economics in high school, so I started taking economics classes." 

Deng has since enjoyed studying economics with a minor in statistics. Hard work and academic excellence has also earned her a scholarship from Great West Life, where she interned for the past two summers. 

After graduation, she plans to continue her studies at UWinnipeg to complete a major in statistics, to add to her current degree, with the possibility of working at Great West Life.

Sir Gordon Wu, Chairman of Hopewell Holdings Ltd., created the Wu Chung Scholarship Fund as a tribute to his father, Wu Chung, who believed in the value of education.Born in 1935, Sir Gordon Wu left Hong Kong at 17 years old and arrived in Winnipeg as an international student. He eventually attended Princeton University and became an innovative engineer. He has developed projects around the world.