
Reading List

Frozen Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture, and Society

Season 1. Episode 1: The Case of the Exciting Introduction


Hall, S. 2013. “The Work of Representation.” In Hall, S., Evans, J. and Nixon, S. (eds.) Representation. Second Edition. London, Milton Keynes: Sage and The Open University.  Pp. 1-59.

Hayward, K. and Young, J. 2004. “Cultural criminology: Some notes on the script.” Theoretical Criminology 8 (3): 259-273.

Kohm, S., Bookman, S., and Greenhill, P. 2017. Screening justice: Canadian crime films, culture and society.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Rafter, N. 2007. “Crime, film and criminology: Recent sex-crime movies.” Theoretical Criminology 11 (3): 403-420.

Stuart Hall: Representation and the Media. 1997. Produced and directed by Sut Jhally. Media Education Foundation.

Sturken, M. and Cartwright, L. 2018. Practices of Looking. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Season 1. Episode 2: The Case of the Dark Fairy Tale and Just Folklore


Brydon, Anne.  2017.  “Reconciliation and Justice in Zacharias Kunuk’s Atanarjuat.”  In Screening Justice:  Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society, edited by Steven Kohm, Sonia Bookman, and Pauline Greenhill, 309-325.  Winnipeg:  Fernwood.

Greenhill, Pauline. 2014.  “Le Piège d’Issoudun: Motherhood in Crisis.” Narrative Culture 1 (1): 49-70.

Greenhill, Pauline. 2017.  “Le Piège d’Issoudun:  Fairy-Tale Murder.” In Screening Justice:  Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society, edited by Steven Kohm, Sonia Bookman, and Pauline Greenhill, 218-239.  Winnipeg:  Fernwood.

Greenhill, Pauline, and Steven Kohm.  2016.  “Fairy-Tale Films in Canada/Canadian Fairy-Tale Films.”  In Fairy-Tale Films Beyond Disney:  International Perspectives, edited by Jack Zipes, Pauline Greenhill, and Kendra Magnus-Johnston, 246-261.  New York:  Routledge.

hooks, bell. 2000. Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics. Cambridge, MA: South End Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin, and Mary Lynn Young. 2006.  “Missing and murdered women: Reproducing marginality in news discourse.” Canadian Journal of Communication 31 (4): 895-971.

Meyer, Cheryl, and Michelle Oberman. 2001.  Mothers Who Kill Their Children: Understanding the Acts of Moms from Susan Smith to the “Prom Mom.” New York: New York University Press. 

Online Resources

The International Fairy-Tale Filmography

Fairy Tale Films Research  

Season 1. Episode 3: The Case of the Made-for-TV Mystery Movie


Gates, Philippa. (2011). Detecting Women: Gender and the Hollywood Detective Film. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Mizejewski, Linda. (2004). Hardboiled and High Heeled: The Woman Detective in Popular Culture. New York: Routledge.

Modleski, Tania. (1982). Loving With a Vengeance: Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women. Hamden, CT: Archon Books.

Rapping, Elayne. (1992). The Movie of the Week: Private Stories, Public Events. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Season 2. Episode 1: The Case of the Canuck Cop


Arntfield, Michael (2017) “Grab Some Wall: A Man in Uniform, Metropolitan Toronto and the Fog of the Street” in Kohm, Steven, Sonia Bookman and Pauline Greenhill (eds.) Screening Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society. Halifax: Fernwood. 

Berton, Pierre (1975) Hollywood's Canada: The Americanization of Our National Image. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.

Braithwaite, Andrea (2017) “Bon Cop Bad Cop: Fighting Crime Across the Two Solitudes.” In Steven Kohm, Sonia Bookman, Pauline Greenhill (eds.) Screening Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society. Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.

Dawson, Michael (1997) “‘That Nice Red Coat Goes to My Head Like Champagne’: Gender, Antimodernism and the Mountie Image, 1880-1960” Journal of Canadian Studies 32, no. 3:119-39.

Druick, Zoë (2003) “Non-Theatrical with Dreams of Theatrical” Paradoxes of a Canadian Semi-Documentary Film Noir. Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 12(2): 46-63.

Gittings, Christopher (1998) “Imaging Canada: The Singing Mountie and Other Commodifications of Nation” Canadian Journal of Communication, Volume 23: 4.

King, Neal (1999) Heroes in Hard Times: Cop Action Movies in the U.S. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 

Rafter, Nicole (2006) Shots in the Mirror: Crime Films and Society. New York: Oxford.

Season 2. Episode 2: The Case of the Urban Imaginary in Canadian Crime Films


Augé, Marc (1995) Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Super-Modernity. London: Verso Books.

Jayne, Mark (2006) Cities and Consumption. London: Routledge.

Melnyk, George (2014) Film and the City: The Urban Imaginary in Canadian Cinema. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press.

Miles, Steven (2010) Spaces for Consumption. London: Sage.

Shields, Rob (2001) Places on the Margin. London: Routledge.

Season 2. Episode 3: The Case of the Indigenous Canadian Crime Film


Aleiss, Angela (2005) Making the White Man's Indian: Native Americans and Hollywood Movies. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

Brydon, Anne (2017) “Reconcilliation and Justice in Zacharias Kunuk’s Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner” Kohm, Steven, Sonia Bookman and Pauline Greenhill (eds.) Screening Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society. Winnipeg, MB: Fernwood, 309-325.

Carleton, Sean (2014). “On Violence and Vengeance: Rhymes for Young Ghouls and the Horrific History of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools”. Canadian Dimension. November 2014. 

Gittings, Christopher (2002) Canadian National Cinema: Ideology, Difference and Representation. New York: Routledge

Kohm, Steven and Taylor Richtik (2018) “Representing Justice in Indigenous Canadian Crime Films” Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research, 7: 68-95

Medicine Hat News (1934) ““Eskimo” Great Film Record of Daring in Arctic”, July 14, p. 6.

Monchalin, Lisa (2016) The Colonial Problem. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Santoro, Miléna (2013) “The Rise of First Nations’ Fiction Films: Shelley Niro, Jeff Barnaby,and Yves Sioui Durand” American Review of Canadian Studies, 43(2): 267–282.

Online Resource

Indigenous Foundations, UBC. 

Season 2. Episode 4: The Case of the Wrap


Braithwaite, Andrea. 2017.  “Bon Cop, Bad Cop: Fighting Crime across the Two Solitudes.”  In Screening Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society, edited by Steven A. Kohm, Sonia Bookman, and Pauline Greenhill. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Greenhill, Pauline.  2020.  Reality, Magic, and Other Lies: Fairy-Tale Film Truths.  Detroit:  Wayne State University Press.

Kohm, S., Bookman, S., and Greenhill, P. (eds.) 2017. Screening Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.

Rudy, Jill and Pauline Greenhill.  2020.  Fairy-Tale TV.  New York:  Routledge.