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Chair's Publications

Edited Collections by the Chair in German-Canadian Studies:

Alexander Freund, ed. Being German Canadian: History, Memory, Generations. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2021.

Being German Canadian book cover

Alexander Freund, Kristina Llewellyn and Nolan Reilly, eds. The Canadian Oral History Reader. Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press, 2015.

The Canadian Oral History Reader Book cover

Alexander Freund and Benjamin Bryce, eds. Entangling Migration History: Borderlands and Transnationalism in the United States and Canada. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2015.

Entangling Migration History Book Cover

Alexander Freund, ed. Beyond the Nation? Immigrants’ Local Lives in Transnational Cultures. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012. 

Beyond the Nation Book Cover

Alexander Freund and Alistair Thomson, eds. Oral History and Photography. New York: Palgrave, 2011.

Oral History and Photography Book Cover





Books by the Chair in German-Canadian Studies: 

Alexander Freund, Aufbrüche nach dem Zusammenbruch: Die deutsche Nordamerikaauswanderung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. (Studien zur Historischen Migrationsforschung, vol. 12, ed. Klaus J. Bade). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress, 2004.

Aufbrüche nach dem Zusammenbruch: Die deutsche Nordamerikaauswanderung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Book Cover


Selected Articles and Book Chapters by the Chair in German-Canadian Studies:

Alexander Freund, “Inclusion or Imposition? The Life-Story Interview as Knowledge Production.” Oral History 52 no. 3 (Summer 2024): 11–22.

Alexander Freund and Sofia Bach, "'What They Can Teach Us’: curating archived oral histories for secondary and postsecondary education." Oral History 52 no. 2 (Spring 2024): 139-151.

Alexander Freund, “Narrating Home: Oral Histories as Documents and Practices of Homing.” In Handbook on Home and Migration, ed. Paolo Boccagni, 529-542. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.

Alexander Freund, “Neuanfang unter Maos langem Schatten? Oral History im heutigen China.” [updated version of “Long Shadows over New Beginnings? Oral History in Contemporary China.”] BIOS – Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen (Germany) 33, no. 1 (2022): 114-140.

Freund, Alexander. “Love, Sex, Feelings: Marriage and Transatlantic Migration in Postwar Germany.” In Emotional Landscapes: Love, Gender, and Migration, eds. Marcelo J. Borges, Sonia Cancian, and Linda Reeder, 184–200. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2021.

Alexander Freund, “Questioning Historians: Oral History as a Historiographic and Political Act.” The Oral History Review 46 no. 1 (2019): 155-160.

Alexander Freund, “Long Shadows over New Beginnings? Oral History in Contemporary China.” The Oral History Review 46 no. 1 (2019): 1-25.

Alexander Freund, “GI Hans in Korea: Militär und Migration in der deutschen Nachkriegszeit” [GI Hans in Korea: Military and Migration in the German Postwar Period]. BIOS: Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen (Germany) 30 no. 1-2 (2017): 181-212.

Alexander Freund and Guillermo Vodniza. “Oral History Pedagogy in Situations of Conflict.” Oral History and Education: Theories, Dilemmas, and Practices, eds. Kristina R. Llewellyn and Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, 317-335. Palgrave Studies in Oral History. New York: Palgrave, 2017.

Alexander Freund, “From .wav to .txt: why we still need transcripts in the digital age.” Oral History 45 no. 1 (Spring 2017): 33-42.

Alexander Freund, “Under Storytelling’s Spell? Oral History in a Neo-liberal Age.” Oral History Review 42 no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2015): 96-132.

Alexander Freund, “Transnationalizing Home in Winnipeg: Refugees’ Stories of the Places Between the “Here-and-There.”” Canadian Ethnic Studies 47 no. 1 (2015): 61-86.

Alexander Freund, Oral History and Ethnic History (Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada, vol. 32) Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 2014.

Alexander Freund, "Migração, memória e identidade: relatos de história oral no contexto de histórias familiares e nacionais." In História Oral, Desigualdades e Diferenças, eds. Antonio T. Montenegro, Marcos F. F. Montysuma, Geni R. Duarte, Méri Frotscher, Robson Laverdi. Recife: EdUFPE; Florianópolis: EdUFSC, 2012.

Alexander Freund, “Representing ‘New Canadians’: Competing Narratives about Recent German Immigrants to Manitoba.” Journal of Mennonite Studies 30 (2012): 339-361.

Alexander Freund, “Contesting the Meanings of Migration: German Women’s Immigration to Canada in the 1950s.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 41-42/3-1 (2009-2010 [2012]): 1-26.

Alexander Freund, “Familienforschung und Lokalgeschichte: Oral History im kanadischen Deutschunterricht.” Forum Deutsch 19 no.1 (2011).

Alexander Freund, “A Canadian Family Talks About Oma’s Life in Nazi Germany: Three-Generational Interviews and Communicative Memory.” Oral History Forum d’histoire orale 29 (2009), Special Issue “Remembering Family, Analyzing Home: Oral History and the Family," 1-26.

Alexander Freund, “Die Auswanderung aus Nachkriegsdeutschland.” Aufbruch nach Amerika, 1709-2009: 300 Jahre Massenauswanderung aus Rheinland-Pfalz. Kaiserslautern: Referat Kultur der Stadt Kaiserslautern, 2009, 81-92.

Alexander Freund, “A German Post-1945 Diaspora? German Migrants’ Encounters with the Nazi Past.” In German Diasporic Experiences: Identity, Migration, and Loss, eds. Mathias Schulze et al., 467-478. Waterloo, ON: Wilfried Laurier University Press, 2008.

Alexander Freund, “Troubling Memories in Nation-building: World War II-Memories and Germans’ Interethnic Encounters in Canada After 1945.” Histoire sociale/Social History 39/77 (May 2006): 129-155.

Alexander Freund, “How Come They’re Nice to Me?” Deutsche und Juden nach dem Holocaust in Nordamerika.” In Migration und Erinnerung. Reflexionen über Wanderungserfahrungen in Europa und Nordamerika (Transkulturelle Perspektiven, vol. 4), ed. Christiane Harzig, 143-156. Göttingen: v & r unipress, 2006.

Alexander Freund, “’Where were you während des Kriegs?’ Kriegserzählungen deutscher Migranten in Nordamerika seit 1945.” [‘Where Were You During the War?’ War Stories of German Immigrants in North America Since 1945”] In Zeichen des Krieges in Literatur, Film und den Medien, Vol. 1: Nordamerika und Europa [Signs of War in Literature, Film, and Media, vol. 1: North America and Europe], ed. Christer Petersen, 31-67. Kiel: Verlag Ludwig, 2004.

Alexander Freund, “German Immigrants and the Nazi Past: How Memory Has Shaped Intercultural Relations.” Inroads. A Journal of Public Opinion No. 15 (Summer/Fall 2004): 106-117.

Alexander Freund, “Die letzte Phase des industriellen nordatlantischen Migrationssystems: Das Beispiel der deutsch-kanadischen Arbeitswanderung in den 1950er Jahren.” German-Canadian Yearbook 17 (2002 [2003]): 1-36.

Alexander Freund and Laura Quilici, “Exploring Myths in Women’s Narratives: Italian and German Immigrant Women in Vancouver, 1947-1961.” BC Studies no. 105-106 (spring/summer 1995): 159-82.