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International Student Services (ISS) makes available a number of services for future and current students, from those allowing students to get settled at the University of Winnipeg and within the city to those related to a students' studies.

Available services include:

In addition to these services, the ISS offers the following:

Academic Advising is available to help you choose and follow your own educational path, while making sure that you understand the objectives and requirements of your undergraduate degree. Assistance includes: degree planning, choosing your courses, and interpreting regulations and requirements. Drop-ins available, however appointments are recommended. For information on course selection and registration, appointment booking and drop-in hours, please visit Course Selection and Registration.

Transition Advising is available to international, immigrant and refugee students in a variety of areas including housing, health insurance and health services, finding employment and volunteer opportunities, cultural adaptation, social integration, community and campus resources, drivers licensing, SIN cards, Income Tax, and any other matter which concerns international students. Students may book an appointment by emailing ISS at iss@uwinnipeg.ca

Enrolment Letters are processed by ISS and can be requested by filling out the Request for a Letter of Enrolment Form. These letters provide information related to student status and registration at The University of Winnipeg and are often used for visa/permit applications, driver's licensing, scholarships, family invitations, or other purposes (Request for a Letter of Enrolment Form).

Income Tax Filing is available for international, immigrant and refugee students doing simple tax returns, who are doing an undergraduate, graduate or PACE program. Tax filing is done for the previous tax year and may not be available for students with spouses or dependants. Contact iss@uwinnipeg.ca for more information

Student Lounge: Located at 491 Portage Avenue, The student lounge is a space for students to hang out, study, have fun and meet other students. It is equipped with couches, computers, a television with cable t.v., a DVD player, a fridge, a microwave, a coffee maker, and a kettle. This space is available during business hours to students.

  • Students can use the computers for assignments, completing IRCC applications, checking mail, or accessing social networking sites.

Assistance using the Library: Need help finding academic articles or books? Librarian Michael Dudley is available for appointments to meet in person (in the Library or at the ISS student lounge) or over Zoom to discuss your assignments. He may be reached at m.dudley@uwinnipeg.ca or by phone at 204.982.1145