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Dhulmy Bandara

Dhulmy Bandara Title: Graduate Student
Email: bandara-p@webmail.uwinnipeg.ca

Degree: Master of Science
Thesis: Enhanced phytostabilization of metal(loid)-contaminated soils using modified biochar
Supervisor: Dr. Srimathie Indraratne & Dr. Inoka Amarakoon
Entry: Fall 2024

Research Interests:
Modified biochar has recently garnered extensive attraction in the process of remediating contaminated soil successfully. My research is directed on assessing the impact of modified biochar on soil pH, nutrient content (N, P, K), and the reduction of PTEs  (As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in contaminated soil. My study further extends to the field level experimentation which evaluates of effectiveness of modified biochar in enhancing the growth and phytostabilization capacity of two native plant species, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), in contaminated soils. The core essence of the study is foreseen to enrich the knowledge pool for the remediation of the contaminated soils in mining sites minimizing the risk of PTEs mobility, water source contamination, and the entering of toxic compounds into the food chain.

As an Environmental Sciences graduate from the splendorous island country of Sri Lanka, I am engrossed in understanding the depth of human-induced environmental challenges and potential mitigation strategies.  The MSc in Environmental and Social Change program has fostered my insights on building healthy interactions between humans and the environment which convinces me of the key role of human involvement in environmental conservation and management. The interdisciplinary conspectus of the program expounds that environmental conservation approaches should comprehend the natural sciences and equally encompass a significant component of social sciences. I expect to incorporate the values of the program to alleviate innovative and critical thinking and adaptive problem-solving with intellectual and practical skills to be utilized on a global scale.