Rebecca Wesselius
Title: Graduate Student
Degree: Master of Environment
Thesis: Tree Canopy Coverage for Climate Adaptation and Social Equity in Winnipeg
Supervisor: Dr. Matt Dyce and Dr. Ryan Bullock
Entry: Fall 2024
Research Interests:
My areas of research interest are the intersections of the human-environment, urban forestry and its relationship to quality of life.
Hi! I’m Rebecca Wesselius (she/her) and I am in the Master of Environment stream of the Master of Environmental and Social Change program. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Global Studies from the University of Alberta Augustana campus. I am excited to be a part of the interdisciplinary MESC program where I hope to collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds, worldviews, and experiences which offers the greatest opportunity to develop, innovative, and create effective solutions to the environmental and social challenges we encounter today. I have a passion for social justice and environmental equity which led me to this program where I am excited to pursue my research into