Degree Planning
Please feel free to visit the department office (4G09) for any questions about your Philosophy degree.
The following resources may also be helpful:
Academic Calendar Information (degree requirements, general information) [PDF]
Fact Sheet [PDF]
WebAdvisor and Student Planning
Sample First Year
In their first year working towards a degree in Philosophy, most students will take PHIL-1001(6) Introduction to Philosophy. Multiple sections of this six credit hour course are offered each year, including a section in the Spring term.
Many first-year students also take RHET-1101(3) Academic Writing: Humanities or any other section of Academic Writing (if required), and 21-24 credit hours if electives, depending on interest.
NOTE: This sample first year below is representative of courses you may take. For many of our programs, you may choose another set of courses and still be well on your way to a degree. Also, for most programs you do not have to take 30 credit hours (five full courses) in your first year.
Fall Term |
Winter Term |
PHIL 1001/6 Introduction to Philosophy |
HIST 1010/6 An Introduction to History |
GERM 1001/6 Introductory German |
CLAS 1011/3 Introduction to Greek Society |
CLAS 1012/3 Introduction to Roman Society |
RHET 1105/3 Academic Writing* |
3 Credit Hours of Humanities or Science** |
Note: Students may use a maximum of 42 credit hours at 1000 level towards a degree.
*RHET-1105/3 is required if grade less than 80% in English 40S (2 credits) see Section VIII of the course calendar for specific requirements.
**Please see the Academic Calendar for degree requirements including prerequisites. If you have any questions, email the department's Administrative Coordinator, Angela McGillivray, at
WebAdvisor and Student Planning
Student Planning is a great online tool which students can use for degree planning, timetabling, and advanced registration. Student Planning helps students plan their courses against their degree requirements, explore options, and enables them to register for courses from an interactive timetable view. It allows students to create a multi-year plan of their courses taking into account requisites and the terms/years in which courses are typically offered. Students can plan out their whole degree from their first year to graduation.
Learn more about Student Planning
View the Student Planning FAQs