Physics Summer Student Talk
Mon. Jan. 16 12:30 PM
- Mon. Jan. 16 01:20 PM
Location: 3M69
Our summer students of 2016 will be presenting the research projects they were working on over the summer. Come hear what they have to say and receive information regarding our upcoming research opportunities for undergraduates in 2017, and how you can apply for an NSERC USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Award).
Student Presenters:
Andrew Sikora (supervisor: Blair Jamieson)
Title: “Ultra-Cold Neutron Data Acquisition Software Development”
Junyao Pu (supervisor: Chris Bidinosti)
Title: “Design of a Self-Shielded Coil”
Roseanna Burrough (supervisor: Russell Mammei)
Title: “Coil Design Analysis for the nEDM Experiment at TRIUMF”
Michael Honke (supervisor: Chris Bidinosti)
Title: "Development of a Generalized Monte Carlo Bloch Simulator Using GPU"
Taylor Hanson (supervisor: Gabor Kunstatter)
Title: "Quantum Corrected Gravity"
Melissa Anderson (supervisors: Russell Mammei & Jeff Martin)
Title: "Self-Shielded Homogeneous Magnetic Coils"
Raphael Hoult (supervisor: Andrew Frey)
Title: "Black Hole Formation in AdS4"
Damilola Aleshinloye (supervisor: Chris Bidinosti)
Title: "Developing a General Parallelized Biot-Savart Solver"